NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Things getting testy in LDN

Imagind rte covering this. George Lee will be so upbeat

Are riots nowadays just dickheads recording the cops in an aggressive fashion?

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Not in Paris

The blood thirsty mentallers won’t like this.

I thought the Swedes were all immune at this stage.

How would you rate the Express Mike, in terms of it’s reliability as a news source?

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We were all hoping the likes of Tegnell and Gupta were seeing something that the other experts were missing but it appears they’ve got it horribly wrong.

Are they wrong?

I’m glad you’ve come round to this way of thinking after 8 months.

Time for @Batigol to step up

What is it exactly you want me to do?

Brand everybody coming through so they can be easily tracked. I’d suggest maybe the word “Unclean” across their foreheads.

I’m legally not allowed to do that.

There have been a huge proportion of northern Irish passengers using the airport all year.

That’s a shame.

PC bullshit.


eeeek, this baseless arrogance hasn’t aged well.


  1. It’s the Guardian.
  2. Ask lockdown Ireland people whether they are/were afraid that the health service would be able to cope, and I’m sure you’d get a similar answer.

The Guardian must be SAVAGING all the countries with higher deaths than Sweden

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