NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Sweden had plenty of interventions. Just because they weren’t as draconian as other places doesn’t mean they did nothing.

The favored argument of the lockdown supporters is that Sweden took no measures and just “let it rip” and went for herd immunity. It’s an outright lie, aimed at masking the failures of the governments they support.


Am not saying otherwise. Was parodying the ridiculousness of the Max Covid nutters – the Prince Nut Nuts, so to speak.

Lads are gone soft. Crying themselves to sleep at night over a few dead swedes. Afraid of their lives to entertain the thought that they have sacrificed a year of their lives for nothing.


the lockdown nutcases are driven absolutely demented by Sweden


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Did you see Prime Time the other night in the nursing homes. It was tragic. Life is for living. We have to achieve some bit of balance between keeping people safe and letting them live. The Swedes were entitled to try something different.

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No. I am driven demented by confident stupidity.

“something different” is a vacuous concept, as woolly as any entity in the Shetland Islands.

Nothing but positivity in the UK news media around the vaccine, I tuned into RTE there and the likes there, you’d want to commit suicide after listening to it, what the fuck are they at? no wonder you have the hard lockdown crew in Ireland listening to that shite 24/7, totally indoctrinated by the likes of Holohan and that nerd Glynn (whose real end game is the total destruction of Irish pubs, now they realise the cod covid game is up)

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You can compare Sweden to countries with lower rates but it’s unfair to compare them with ones with higher rates.

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you purposely left Denmark off the list there -

Denmark is more densely populated with a similar age demographic and has fared much better than Sweden


Sure the other lads are doing the exact same in inverse.

Comparing countries is pointless

It is in many ways. There are thousands of variables.

I would argue that the Swedish approach has, at least, shown that lockdowns alone would make or break your results in relation to COVID. If lockdowns were so integral to a country’s response, Sweden would be way out on its own (in Europe anyway) in terms of cases and deaths. And they aren’t, not by a long shot

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Their experts and politicians had a different approach to dealing with covid. Do you think someone should have intervened and forced them in to a severe lock down? Who? How? Should they be flogged in the public square for going against the grain?

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No it isn’t. You just made that up because you were wrong.

he is 100 per cent correct

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He’s never wrong

they aren’t out on their own but how many of those deaths wouldn’t have happened with a lockdown and is the trade off worth it? Neither of us will be able to answer it, and it is very emotive and I’m sick of falling out with people over it.

Nobody will know the full extent of it for years

Look, go and be histrionic on your own time.