NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Open it up

I see Denmark has sent schools.home for the year and brought in lockdown measures for most regions

That couldn’t be right, goes completely against the TFK narrative.

For the year? It’s the 8th of December. Probably a week left in school.

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They’ve a week left. Sensible option. There’s calls over here to do the same because after Friday if a year bubble/ school has to close due to Covid then teachers and students will be Isolating over Christmas



They should definitely do it here. Fuck all be done the few school days leading up to the break, should finish the Friday before.

Our ones school sent a letter home yesterday saying that if any child doesn’t come in next week they will not be marked as being absent, but they are expected to do work set for them online. Seemed a very sensible compromise, parents without childcare continue to send the kids in and parents with it have the option.

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A pity dept of education don’t communicate it as an option nationally. Yet anyway

Making Yule logs out of toilet roll holders was all I remember us doing in the week up there o Christmas


Shut it down.

John Bull leads the world out of the darkness again.

Disappointing to see, they were the shining example in Europe. I suspect it is too late anyway.

Let’s hope we’re not few weeks behind them in having to adopt similar again

We’ll see, I think there is a lot of cushion built into the strategy. Schools being closed and people on extended Christmas holidays will have an impact in the immediate aftermath of Christmas. The Government put the travel thing up to January 6th when most Christmas celebrations end by New Year’s Day.

I can understand NPHET’s worry about Christmas tbf but they put themselves into the position.

450 cases by New Years Day as their warning isn’t such a high figure though!

unfortunately she died half an hour ago

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They were being fed on a pure diet of Danish Mink so it’s hard to understand how it happened

The UKs 90 year old nursing home residents can get on with their lives now