NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

We had a form too

If something is 70% more contagious it is therefore more deadly in any language other than the most pedantic of pedantry. It is certainly an even more serious matter for public health with serious implications for the health system and the movement of people.

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Our health system is in serious bother. Nearly HALF as many people on trolleys as this time last year

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If it’s that common in London I’d be willing to bet it’s already here

Dangerous bet

Old news

Rte saying flights will not fly but ferries will continue and that “arrangements” will be made to get people who are on short trips to the UK home

I think that’s been tried

Quoting Boris now? Stay out of the science mate, you are as clueless as that fellow Sid who used to post here.

I’ve had enough. I’ve the bottle of Jameson out now.


What? If a virus is 70% more infectious than before, even if it’s not more deadly if you actually contract it, is it an even more serious matter for public health than before?

Yes or no?

I like the cut of your jib, welcome.

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Post up the evidence that this newly identified strain in the UK is 70% more contagious than other strains, actual scientific evidence and not what complete assholes in the UK government say.

Here’s a little clue for you. The Netherlands which was the first to stop flights from the UK had 24.2k new cases over the past two days, or 1,400 cases per million people. The UK had 55.5K new cases in the same period, or 817 per million. But the Netherlands are terrified of this English new strain?

It’s a load of bollox from Boris the clown mate, and the EU are sticking it to him for his stupidity.

Of course you do, as you are a fellow simpleton.

What if the virus is 70% more infectious but 71% less dangerous?

So you’re saying they’re just making it up?

Padraig seems a decent chap, quit the Billy big Balls routine.

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Of all the nonsense regarding Covid, the shite talk on how contagious the virus is takes the biscuit. In the reporting from the UK, government officials are quoted as saying the R number is increasing from 1.1-1.2 to 1.4 due to this new strain. It’s complete horseshit. The basic reproductive number R0 is at least 3 and maybe 5 or 6. The actual transmission rate Rt depends on a multitude of factors, but it basically comes down to how many people are interacting closely with other people in a location where the virus is in circulation. What drives the Rt up is people’s behavior, far more than the genomic sequence of the individual strain.

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