NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I’m flabbergasted

Israel turning away UK passport holders.

Can Ireland turn away Irish citizens traveling from the UK??
Genuine question,just as a matter of interest.

Probably not. But we can probably shoot them on sight.

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If they get to the Irish border they’ll be left in. I’m not sure about the legalities of stopping them at the other end but I doubt it

You need to save Ireland from this English mutant virus immediately, the other 12,000 strains identified so far can wait for now.

A friend of my girlfriend/partner/lodger is due over tomorrow. She’s had an absolutely awful year and was looking forward to this for a bit. I sincerely hope this pointless 48 hour ban is not implemented

Ah he’ll pick up a jet ski in Holyhead no bother.

According to sky news its kicking in from midnight

AFAIK even the New Zealanders were letting their citizens in.

It’s a good example of the public hysteria generated by asshole politicians. There is zero evidence that any of the strains identified are any more or less deadly than the original strain. The claim that this new strain is more contagious is debatable, but it was known in January that there were two major strains and the second one to emerge was more contagious, this was firmly established by the summer as it became the dominant strain.


They were/are. They’ve also extended anyone on a working visa by 6 months

With enforced 2 week quarantine.

Priti Patel safe so

They cannot prevent citizens coming in. They could ban the planes and ferries though I guess

Safe to say we can take anything your day here with a pinch of salt mate.

How do you stop people flying to Belfast and driving south?

Shoot them

No you should blindly believe everything anonymous Internet posters say

My confidence in you is severely dented.