NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Belarus have it sussed

So the wave takes out the vulnerable either first time or second time.

Some of the headlines embedded in that chart didn’t age well

Are the comments on the left, astute posts on TFK by @Tim_Riggins and @Tierneevin1979 confirming the end of Covid after the first wave?


Belarus had 6k excess deaths in March / April that they attributed to pneumonia. One way of keeping the Covid numbers down.

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If you don’t count them you don’t have them

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When all is said and done I’d say the number that died in 2020 from, with, or because of the Covid will be the same in almost every western country. It’s about 0.1% of the population +/- 0.01%, a remarkably consistent statistic.

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Figures likely to be different as a diagnosis of what comprises a covid death criteria varies widely from what I can see.

That was true early days, but as time goes on they are converging. The largest western countries reported Covid deaths as a % of population, US 0.10%, UK 0.10%, France 0.09%, Italy 0.10%, Spain 0.10%. Germany is the outlier at 0.03%, but they appear to have one of the highest death rates in this second wave and 3X the rate they had in the first wave.

I was referring to the president recommending booze and saunas. If the eventual outcome is the same we may as well enjoy ourselves getting there

Many may be due to covid induced neglect?


Indirect Covid fatalities

Forget Sweden boys, it’s all about Japan now.

huge outbreak in Sydney, I thought they had it under control :sweat_smile:

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A lot of paddys over in those parts, being allowed to drink. Covid loves to party. Paddy loves the drink. Paddy has a problem with drink

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What’s the point here. The author of the article says himself only a small number of swedes are objecting to their approach. Lefty academic criticising left government for not being left enough is the gist of it.

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