NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Scotland gone into full ‘March’ lockdown and word it Boris will follow suit later on


The pubs fucking us again

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A legal requirement to stay at home.

Draconian measures are being introduced

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Yup closed until Feb1st in Scotland. It will be legally enforcable to keep people at home from midnight tonight unless essential

Have the Territorial Army been deployed?

Boris is addressing the nation at 8. Not a briefing or a press conference a full on one to one national address. It sounds serious he’s probably recording it right this minute

He should bring it forward to Half 7. There’s EPL on tonight.


We moved ours due to the Toy Show

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From Tuesday the 12th of January there is a premier league game/games on for 10 days in a row. Should be enough of a distraction for the masses.

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The army are on the streets of Scotland tonight with orders to shoot anyone outside after midnight.

One shot.

Bang Bang.

Wouldn’t fuck with these lads


He’s some fucking cunt. Cowardly to “address the nation” and not allow any questions from the press. Even if one would be a 10 minute monologue by that creep Peston.


not after tonight, he’s going for a Wuhan style lockdown according to the word on the street

Nicola Sturgeon is very concerned

Chris Witty went white when he got todays figures: 58,784

Our figures if mapped to UK would probably be 70,000 cases today with expected announcement later.

State of this lad