NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

2 weeks to flatten the curve etc

What’s the reason for that do you think @balbec?

Seeing as they are hypochondriacs as a race it is a bit surprising. I think that younger people are not that bothered about vaccination nor should they be if the vulnerable groups can be protected. The media isn’t full of mass hysteria about C-19 either.

A few protests about lockdown bubbling up now. Must post an article about it later.

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Would they be fairly right wing crowd in general? My neighbour is a massive covid is a cod, anti vaccine, racist, pro trump, masks are shite, Hitler admirer. He’s actually good craic and is fairly sound though tbf.

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The PIS crowd have moved the country to the right. Basically, bought the electorate first with populist policies and then took over state media. The incompetence of the political opposition helped. There is a significant urban/rural divide and a young/old split. I’d say your neighbour comes from a village.

Yeah I think he does. He’d have German relations going back too

Yerra everyone does on the western side of the country.

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38,905 cases
1820 deaths

Banned from travel to the EU now, the tans :grimacing:

The Belgians have taken it to the next level

Smell-a covid off ya

They’d be more accurate than the PCR tests anyways

Maybe Kev was on to something when he was talking about dog oncologists.

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37,892 cases
1290 deaths

4,973,248 vaccinated

6 million people in England now on anti depressants.
Ah big pharma the answer to all lifes problems.


Hasn’t done America any harm.


Yeah America is the poster boy for anti depressants and opiads. Some cities have been destroyed. England getting there in a hurry it seems.

England was going that way, Covid or no Covid

That’s a big issue.