NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Sure he’ll have a fair chunk vaccinated by then

A final sprint to herd immunity?

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That guy Ivor Cummins has regularly had his ass handed to him in recent weeks :-1: Bunkum

What has that got to do with the graph?


I see. It’s a sort of are you a mod or a rocker scenario?

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What exactly does that mean?

All arrivals will need proof of a negative test in previous 72 hours and must go into 10 day isolation, unless you get another test after 5 days of your isolation period and test negative.

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Will they make an allowance for Cheltenham?

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About time.

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John Bull is aiming for 450k jabs a day by the end of next week, he’s going 24/7. He’s closing the border to every country on Monday. He means business. End this fucking thing.

Boris won’t fuck with Mick

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Disaster averted.


This is how France falls, again

Melbourne is riddled

It’s almost as if lockdowns don’t work

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Not when they open back up without a cure, but they do control the flow a bit. Whether it’s worth it is a different argument.