NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Mick laughing away knowingly about Brexit from under his bed back in December, when will he ever learn.

A shill.

Makes Brendan O’Neill look like half an intellectual squared.

Here we go

We are back to Sweden.

A version of Abba mania.

Emphasis on mania.

The sheer stupidity of Graham Neary et al truly is something to behold. Another kango who professes to believe there was no need, in Ireland, to lockdown on Christmas Eve (‘Ah yeah, there wasn"t, because, you know, Sweden or something’). This whole process has been like a point to point in the Stupidity Stakes.

I see the politicians in Macedonia and Slovakia have accepted defeat and followed the example of developed countries like Peru and india

Covid is a scam now. :smiley::smiley:

Someone asked for the mortality stats so I posted them. The tweet author is a Glenshane-ite. Make of that what you will.

It’s been well promoted by the mentallers. Another ‘stat’ to help them cling on to the belief that Sweden didn’t get it wrong when Sweden themselves admit they got it wrong.

I’d love to have spent the last year living and working in Sweden. I’m sure most would.

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Nothing to do with me Bruv. Don’t think I’ve made any bold claims about Sweden. From what I can see theyve done better than uk or Ireland, even before you adjust for age and other factors. Don’t think I’ve mentioned neary either.

We’re too soft lads

The lefties on here will be on in a minute to defend this

Lads would love that kind of public shaming here. Everyone coming back from a holiday flogged, going to the beach tarred and feathered, meeting someone outside your bubble for a coffee? Two weeks in the stocks

It’s how you get shit done. Now fall in crusty.

They could wear the dryrobe to keep warm.

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21,088 cases
587 deaths

8,977,329 vaccinated

That’s 598,389 vaccinated yesterday. Unreal, unbelievable

It’s over in the UK

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Has the uk government stopped the ONS from releasing the numbers of deaths following vaccination?

he had a good run in fairness

You’d have thought John Bull might have spared him a wee vaccine or two