NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It’s €16 a pint, but at least you are allowed to buy em

Is that expensive? I can’t even remember

Be well worth it at this stage

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We’ll forget about the top shelf

If this was the single stipulation to open pubs in Ireland do you think it’d be an issue?

48 people intensive care patients in the entire country. Either lockdowns don’t work or it’s the compulsory vitamin d fortification. (Either way I win)

Lockdowns don’t work

Whatabout Norway and Denmark

It’s sad that people are trying to compare Sweden to countries outside the ones the LIDTF crew allow them to.

I thought he died of the Covid?


he died of old age ffs, he was 100

Like thousands of other people he died of something else but caught Covid in the healthcare setting he was in. Pneumonia in this poor divil’s case although 102 is some age to get to.

who wants to live past 87 or 88 anyway?? all your friends are dead and you more than likely need someone to wipe your arse every day, a living hell

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He had a good 15 or 20 years left in him. In one of the photos doing the rounds in the newspapers, he had the look of a lad that was ready to fire the Zimmer frame to one side and hit the tiles. It was a disgrace to have him locked up in the prime of his life, when he should have been out meeting women on Tinder.

more could have been done to save him, no one should die

He’s just back from Barbados.

Tony has a great example now of the dangers of sun holidays. MOL will be seething.

19,202 cases
1,322 deaths

10,021,471 vaccinated

It would appear sweden has the batin’ of the covid


There has been a poor level of compliance with the new guidelines on nobody dying.