NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

20,634 cases
915 Deaths

10,490,587 vaccinated

Clear pattern in Europe and the US of rapid declines in January, lockdown or not.

They charge around €4 for a schooner sized glass of beer.

It almost behaves like other respiratory viruses.

Theres a real race on to get the vaccine distributed before theres no need for it, their only hope is that the vaccine itself takes up the slack

"Cross-country comparisons are tricky: so many variables are at play, every human life is at stake and every country is doing its best. But it seems that Sweden has got it horribly wrong, partly because of its governance structures, partly because of the health authorities implicit trust in the public and their civic or personal responsibility to keep safe and partly because of the public’s own unquestioning confidence in the government.

But ask any Swede today and surprisingly most would say they are happy with the status quo and the freedom it allows."

Like many on here the Swedish seem happy to let the elderly die so they can head out for a pint. Their economy has fared no better than countries that tried to protect the vulerable.

Lads forget about the Sweden comparisons. They neither did well enough to justify OIUTF nor badly enough to justify LIDTF.

Its driving @mikehunt absolutely demented, he lies awake at night thinking of Sweden


His ‘gotcha’ was they had some regrets about their strategy. Now that the Swedish public aren’t LIDTF zealots they are getting branded as granny killers. They are the anti-Ireland. Paddy got gaslighted into LIDTF. Anders makes his own risk assessment.

There’s a load of gobshites over on boards too, lockdown fanatics obsessed with Sweden

19,114 cases
1,014 deaths

10,971,047 vaccinated

But what about Sweden?

Its all Finland now mate. Finland do Sweden better than Sweden.

Sweden have the second crop in already

Jesus the doomsday merchants will be rightly fucked when this is all over

They’ll need a war or something to keep their spirits up

Ah shur you never know. The don might make a come back

All he has to do is build an oval office studio to rival Joe’s. What’s to stop anyone becoming president…

I’d say he could even sit in Joe’s oval office and joe wouldn’t even notice. Just make sure to hide under the table between Joe’s naps