NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Djokovic the super spreader to likely culprit.

Perth are the poster boys for zero covid. Been completely normal most of last year. Schooners at the subiaco oval the lot. Found one case 2 weeks ago. Locked down hard for a week, masks for another week. Totally back to normal again tomorrow. Perth Perth Perth.

That fella wont be riding anyone in quarantine again anytime soon.

Some amount of UK travelers getting in the back door (Hioooo) from Dubai via Dublin today. I walked over to the transit corridor earlier pretending to oversee operations but really out of boredom and the place was jammed. Apparently something in the region of 171 people* transited through Dublin to get to LHR off that flight alone.

*It was exactly 171

15,144 cases
758 deaths

14,012,224 vaccinated

John Bull has a plan

I hope it works out for them. It would be the rocket up the hole our lot so desperatly need

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Meanwhile mick is still heading to the off licence on a Friday evening after work

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You’re the only Irishman getting legitimate pints poured from a tap.

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200 (11)

Cc @peddlerscross


John Bull :clap:

They’ll fuck it up. A crowd of cunts running the place


John Bull doing everything he can to make things happen. Paddy looking forward to no sport, no gigs, no pubs, no life. Hopefully someone somewhere will give us a nice pat on the head for our forebearance

John Bull is refusing to give up on summer while Paddy has written Christmas off.


Paddy’s Roadmap Revealed


Check Twitter.


Ask Tony


Check Twitter


The Hungarians are defying the EU and pushing ahead with the Russian vaccine

Another PR victory for Vlad

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John Bull has 3 days to hit the 15,000,000 target. If anyone can do it John Bull will or he damn well die trying