NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Signing in from London, I’m adding my arm to the tally at 11.25am.


But it’s Saturday?!


Tally it as a positive swab or dead arm?

They must be reeling in opinion polls to be coming out with statements like that.

Labour still behind or level at best. The average Brit falls for Johnson’s shite and the British exceptionalism the cabinet display. See Brexit

You can add 6-8 weeks to this for our schedule based on

Fewer vaccines
Poorer health service capacity
Stronger medical junta
More cautious government.

It’s not defying the EU at all.

Defying maybe a strong word. Ignoring or bypassing a better one

It’s not ignoring either. My understanding is that any EU country can choose to license whatever they want for use if they like, or they can wait for the EMA to do so. For lots of reasons waiting for the EMA makes more sense. The Russian vaccine does seem good though. They’re not able to produce enough of it at the moment so even if we tried tomorrow we probably wouldn’t get much if any off them. But they’re looks by at licensing it to set up more production of it in other countries, Germany is even looking at producing it.

3 minutes in and out. Said to sit in car for 15 minutes before leaving. A shot of john bulls finest AZ. It’s the least they could do of course and I flat out building their new HQ.


Straight out for a few pints to celebrate

I might give it a few weeks, but it’s right at the top of my priority list.

Keep em coming bar keep


A sobering lesson for the lads that gave in to hysteria


Ron 2024

Watching Andrew Marr here. Pretty clear that the UK is in its last lockdown.

Plaid Cymru is for zero Covid.

Itll all unravel in nz soon. Zero covjd will be put to bed. Covid has a seasonal element ie. People are stuck indoors

New ZEALAND heading into their winter, lets see how great they are now with no vaccination programme, they will be riddled in a few weeks :sweat_smile: St Jacinta of zero covid and eternal lockdown covid will have some egg on her face


It will be interesting how it goes there. They might get lucky again but
these variants are seemingly leading to more and more border breaches. I wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere like Auckland or a Sydney ends up in another long lockdown whilst they vaccinate the population.