NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Yes Declan is.

It will to some extent but the latest numbers over here are saying that ICU’s are full of people below the vaccination ages. The average age is 53 I think. All the current guidance from the DFE is based on the original variant not the new one.

I am yes.

Police clamping down on the lads hiding under beds

Everyone in that video is dead now.



Boris setting out his path to freedom here now

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Boris the Liberator :clap: :clap:
‘We are setting out a one way road to Freedom’

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England’s coronavirus vaccine campaign is significantly reducing cases of Covid-19, with a drop of around 70% in infections among healthcare workers who have had a first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech shot, British health officials said on Monday.

Reuters reports:

Data analysed by Public Health England (PHE) showed the Pfizer provided high levels of protection against infection and symptomatic disease from a single dose, and that hospitalisation and death from Covid-19 will be reduced by more 75% in elderly people who have had a first dose.

“Overall, we’re seeing a really strong effect to reducing any infection, asymptomatic and symptomatic,” PHE’s strategic response director Susan Hopkins told a media briefing.

PHE’s head of immunisation Mary Ramsay described the data as “strong evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is stopping people from getting infected, while also protecting cases against hospitalisation and death”.
“We should be very encouraged by these initial findings,” she said.

PHE’s findings came from two separate analyses - one is an ongoing study in healthcare workers, and the second is an assessment of testing data in people aged 80 and over.

Evidence from the elderly group showed that one dose of the Pfizer shot is 57% effective against symptomatic Covid-19 disease, PHE said, and early data suggest the second dose improves protection to more than 85%.

“Hospitalisation and deaths rates are falling in all age groups, but the oldest age groups are seeing the fastest decline since the peak in mid-January,” a PHE statement said.

The vaccine also provides protection against the so-called British variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, it added.


They have a live ticker of vaccines administered on Sky News on top left hand side of screen. Messaging is far different than we are accustomed to. “irreversible measures” in opening up economy, “Path to Freedom”.

Seems like everything will be back to normal on 21st June.
All outdoor sports for teams 29th March, no distance travel limits from that date
Non essential retail 12th April along with restaurants, bars that can serve outdoors.
Self catering holidays allowed from 12th April
17th of May pubs and restaurants can reopen indoors. Stadiums can have 10K people in attendance or 25% of stadium capacity.


We won’t be far behind that, but they’ve gotten the message arseways.

I hope you are right. Maybe a month behind for each of the 4 stages. Still hard to see 20,000 in Croker this year.

You’ll be crestfallen altogether if it happens

I wonder could they put Royal Ascot back a week to have a full crowd? cc @BruidheanChaorthainn

Would be a fitting way to end this sorry mess.

Why would I be crestfallen. I’d be delighted if it were to happen.

Let’s hope so. Interesting to see our new plan tomorrow. Probably being rewritten now after the UK’s release.

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The royal ascot lads do their own thing tbh you wouldn’t know with them.

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I’d urge you for your own sake to pencil in August before we are motoring. Anything before that is a huge bonus but this is Ireland, taper expectations.

They were waiting to cog the Brits one

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