NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Boris is the greatest world leader of all time


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I would rather be ruled by the Brits than by those beurocrats on Nphet

Makes you wonder about a lot of people in this country and why it took 800 years to get independence


You’ll need to come to us on bended knee youse cunts. Mind you youse have lived on your knees long enough you’ll be well used to it.

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It’ll be interesting to see how it goes when pubs and nightclubs are open up north and everything is still shut here

Thats the only positive. They cant stay closed if north is open.

That’s very optimistic. The north will be vaccinated and we won’t.

There’ll be pubs for the vaccination passport holders and pubs for the rest. I know where the fun will be

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Hairdressers, barbers, hotels, shops.

There’ll be weekend buses going up from every part of the 26 counties.

When the money is being spent up there on normal stuff because we’ll all be in lockdown then the government down here will get their finger out.

We’ll have minibuses heading up for the craic on the 12th. The TFK lodge.

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A substantial meal required if you don’t have the passport. Prods and Taigs singing arm in arm in passport holders bar

Boris will be making a speech tomorrow that will define the future course of European policy on this whole thing.
He is the greatest stateman of all time

He’s basically going to feed ian fergusson to the dogs and pray everyone forgets about the odd dodgy billion quid contract here and there

-10% GDP hit for Boris in 2020

Opening up schools as if nothing has changed since before Christmas is going to be a disaster. He’s already admitted that schools are vectors of transmission but are somehow safe. Before the Christmas break schools were struggling with infections so much so that councils were trying to close them but were stopped by the government. He’s got a get out though as the nodding dog Starmer has agreed to open up schools without any new measures.

You’d imagine that community transmission will have been reduced by the vaccine and it is safer now than before Christmas.

Are you a teacher, Declan?

Reports from Germany and Belgium that vaccination numbers are so low as people are not showing up to appointments and don’t want to get the vaccination.