NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Do Wooly and Ewan not count?

Because there’s no collectivism… It’s me, me, me with Paddy. He wouldn’t dare protest, he’ll just do his own thing and fuck everyone else.

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Are you seriously telling me that you think comparative proximity to St. Petersburg or mainland Europe are more likely the reasons for the vastly different outcomes in death rates than the radically different approach taken by Sweden?

If so I think that’s bizarre and you can have no credibility with that whatsoever.

One thing which is interesting is that people in Sweden seem to be supportive of the approach taken. So maybe, it’s the right approach for them culturally, despite the undeniably and vastly different outcomes. I think that’s fair enough, it’s ok for different countries to have different outlooks on where they see the balance between competing interests.

But it really is bizarre to deny that the difference in outcomes is due to the difference in approach.

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The other interesting thing is that Norway and Finland are not a posterchild for lockdowns, both ended their brief lockdowns in March and haven’t had a lockdown since. They attribute their results to strict border controls, mandatory quarantine and contact tracing.

No that’s not what I said. I never attributed any factor to the outcomes. I was just making the point that comparing those countries and those alone, is farcical when you look at where people in those countries live. I think it’s bizarre to look at three countries in complete isolation in a global pandemic.

Again, why aren’t you automatically attributing similar causes in other countries that share borders? Why are you certain it’s the Swedish approach here but cant say anything about Belgium and the Netherlands, Poland and Belarus etc

Because he’s a halfwit. The countries who took a significantly different approach to the rest of Europe were Norway and Finland, obviously helped by other factors like their lower population density. Although Sweden had no lockdowns, their death rate per capita is similar enough to other European countries that we can safely exclude lockdowns as being much of a factor in death toll.

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We should be going to Europe and taking it off their hands

It’s ok though, they were done with Covid last March and for a couple of days there in January.

The Swedes went in hard on that chap from Limerick, not very tolerant of people questioning state policy?

It’s our rebel tradition.

‘a rebel I came and I’m still the same, on the cold winters night you will find me’ (travelling outside my 5k to socially distanced drinks in my friends back garden)

Yeatsy knew the score

Lads still grasping at straws to justify endless lockdowns, Ireland led the way according to the stats.

I’m working on a Covid performance awards thread, but can disclose an explosive preview here. There are three categories in roughly 25 countries with a population at least the size of Ireland, Europe only. Ireland came midtable on deaths per 100K, towards the bottom on deaths per total cases, and midtable again on total numbers infected.

Based on the advantage of Ireland being an island, and the only island because of population cutoff, I have to consider placing Ireland near the bottom of the chart.

And that’s before getting to the damage caused by endless ineffectual lockdowns.


You’d have to factor in your natural self loathing as an irishman which can be seen here from every poster every day with the constant stream of negativity about ‘oirish’ people and almost every aspect of irish life.

You must be confusing me with another poster. I love Ireland, I am Irish, and I have far more history here than you have Arthur.


I’m not talking about you I’m talking about almost every single poster here and irish people in general really. There’s more anti Irish sentiment here than at a national front meeting in the 70s. Paddy this and oirish that. We all have a fair bit of self loathing in us.

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I love ireland too mate

Every single one of us love ireland especially when someone else puts it down or someone else tells us we don’t love it. I’m just telling tierneevin to be aware of that when doing his rankings.

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Be a great country if they could only roof it. Although that would probably make the covid worse. We’ll open a window

Irish people were pretty smart, helped them figure out procreation and emigration. Worldwide Irish population is probably 50 million, that’s ten times the population of the fair island.

Not bad for a crowd who left Turkey and ended up in Ireland via Galicia.

Nice backhanded dig at us dopes left behind.