NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

No, Irish people in general are very smart. Why do you think they are the preferred location for US multinationals? Well educated, English first language, not too dear.

You’re gone a long time.

TFK isn’t the real world. Lads on here will say anything to get a rise from someone else. You can’t take it too seriously.

I’ve been back often though to monitor them, every other year on average. Would maintain they are the smartest in the western world and rival the south Koreans globally. Willing to debate it.

By what metric? Every IQ test has Irish people amongst the lowest in the EU

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IQ tests are not a good predictor, you have to look at output. Look at Irish contribution in all fields, writers, singers, novelists. US politics alone, science, UK politics, WHO experts from Sligo, John Bell from Belfast. There’s no end to it.

You are talking a lot about emigrants there, who are people often educated abroad, parents might be of mixed heritage, and who gain attention as high achievers. That doesn’t relate to the general population and to life in Ireland which you have to be living in to appreciate I think. Almost impossible to quantify but other non English speaking perspectives might help (to get away from the rose/shamrock tinted glasses)

@balbec what do poles think of Irish people. I’ve worked with a few, who when you get to know them well don’t hold the highest opinion of the country, bar the scenery in the west being exceptional.

Fucking hell, are we that needy that we need to seek out the Polacks fucking opinion of us?

Big day of it ahead so lads.

Well no, I’m suggesting it might be a poor opinion.

So thanks for backing up my overall thesis with your contribution :+1:

Every US celeb Tubridy interviews loves Oireland, and that’s good enough for me.

Weekend package trips to watch Ulster football championship matches

Pity about Irish politics

Willie O’Dea

Willie O Dea should be running the country

America is the greatest country in the world, and it thinks we’re pretty swell.

Case closed.

As usual you conveniently ignore why numbers were high in the first place. Numbers are falling since restrictions were re-implemented. If restrictions were ineffectual then numbers would be going up. No border controls in Ireland so to call it a lockdown is misleading. Lockdowns have been proven to work if properly implemented and maintained once restrictions are lifted. This is evident in the countries with low fatalities. You are correct on one point though, Ireland’s fatalities are high considering we are on an island.

I look forward to the results of this performance chart. An independent and impartial review is just what the forum needs. I also look forward to the performance indicators reveal that will show Sweden having dealt better with this than their neighbours.

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Dunno really. Any of the Poles I know here who were in Ireland were generally positive but they might only be being polite to me. They do think that the Irish drink an awful lot. They said that the Limerick and Galway people were the soundest of Irish people. I’d say a lot of Poles in Ireland view it as a temporary place so aren’t that bothered about putting down roots or making links with the locals. Language can be a factor for some of them as well. A lot of the Poles in Ireland would be from small towns and villages. A few right latchikos among them too.


Correct on both counts.

I find them very sound, for the amount of them in Ireland especially at the height of it they fit almost seamlessly in.

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Not exactly news but there was a study done and Galway came out number one in the soundness stakes iirc


Incorrect. The few countries that have low numbers achieved this without lockdowns. In Europe the only two countries that have very low cases and deaths are Finland and Norway. I know you place a lot of importance in what people say about themselves, experts in both countries attribute their low numbers to an early ban on travel / border closings / mandatory quarantine / testing and contact tracing. Note what isn’t there, lockdowns.

Anyway I agree with you in one respect, if Ireland followed the Finland/Norway/Singapore model and closed it’s borders early etc, it could have achieved the same results. It didn’t though and went for the same strategy as most other western countries with the same result, lots of deaths and lives destroyed because of lockdowns.

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