NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Infections of hospital workers in Ireland down 95 per cent.


If this trend keeps going, there’ll be serious pressure to fastrack some of the planned reopening.

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Surely it worked an absolute treat for them. Definitely did in WA anyway.

That is really brilliant news.

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Mississippi too. The world is waking up

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Texas being completely open gives us a test case. Will there be an explosion of cases there now or will there be little to no increase?

It has been only a tiny bit closed for the last while anyway.

That’s true. As with most of those places, it’s not been faring too badly.

Hopefully it being fully open will convince a few on this side of the world to at least open a little

Beware of any increase though. It will he blamed on big bad variants.

I’m concerned that Texas and the South are going to have very poor vaccine uptake which will drag the US down and put them on the international shortlist. I know two people who travelled to Mississippi at the weekend there for their jabs. Both mid 30s with no significant underlying illness, 1,500 available vaccine slots!

Richi Sounak announcing the greatest budget of all time here :clap: :clap:

Ah lovely. Ole ole ole.

  • Corporation tax to rise from 19% to 25% from April 2023, Sunak says.

The rate South of border will be half of that north of the border. Tax for those businesses on the border will remain at 0%.

Public cases up 130%
Cases among ,3rd level students up 180%

The best plan is to get everyone under the age of 40 riddled asap…assuming they’re healthy of course. Maybe hold fire for a month until the spring really kicks in

Quicker to build up antibodies by superspreader events the waiting for the HSE to roll out a vaccine

Biff, what part of Limerick city are you from again?

And more effective…longer lasting immunity without the potential side effects.
Theres a lot to be said for letting this mass clinical trial run its course

I’ve had five addresses in College Court and one in Briarfield but I’m a West Limerick native.


Hearing of a few clusters locally here again.

One cluster from a Supermarket.

A lot of people mixing this last week and numbers in community rising as hospital/nursing home numbers coming down.

We need to stay the course, just 5 more weeks.