NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Mick starts sweating when the confusing diagrams pop up in the IQ tests


My contact in Sweden confirms they are back playing sport after a minor easing of restrictions which still left hospitality open.

Did you tell him that they got it wrong and are having a lockdown shortly as per @mikehunt?

Over on the Swedish version of TFK the LIDTF crew are quoting McDonkey and Tomas Ryan as evidence Ireland are the model to follow.

Sweden ramped up restrictions before Christmas. Numbers fell, they eased restrictions and then their numbers went up again. They announced more restrictions yesterday. I’m sure there’s a trend there if if it were investigated by someone more qualified than myself.

But nobody rational would (or even on TFK has) argue against sensible restrictions like Sweden have implemented. Well maybe @glenshane but he would argue with his shadow.

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Some mild restrictions and a lockdown are different things entirely

I wholeheartedly concur

You cant compare them. Sweden is on the fringe of Europe. Portugal is right in the middle of it

Does Ewan work for the Portuguese government?

If not, then why do stats in Portugal have any relevance to criticism of Ireland

Read the first sentence again.

I don’t see how it’s a stick to beat him with? Has he been saying Portugal has a perfect approach

I’m not beating him with any stick, other than saying his essay was shite. The analysis of Portugal is unrelated to Ewan.

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Another 7 day lockdown announced today.

Do you think zero covid is the wrong approach for them to take?

Not right now with the vaccines being rolled out.

I think it was an ethically suspect decision in the first few months.

Zero covid will end the cycle of lockdowns

I believe this is their fifth lockdown. Another one of the lies the Zero Covid lot put out there.

Vaccine effect seems to be really kicking in in the uk now daily cases down about 35% week on week. Versus our 8-10% reduction here.

Texas have decided to open up ta fuck despite only 6% of them vaccinated.

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