NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


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You are a tick?

Polls being manipulated maybe? Dunno but not beyond realms of possibility

Or people wanting to give the “right” answer and not admit that they’d throw their granny in the Liffey for a chance of a creamy pint.

Old, infirm, unhappy unhealthy population played the biggest role imho.

This is bolloxology. It is far from clear. I’m not reading the rest.


I read on, despite myself, and landed at this uucoam. A spoofer, bluffer, Liar and hypocrite of the highest order.


Only seeing this now, lolz, making up your own definitions now, wonderful levels of baseless arrogance. The evidence is quite clear, your refusal to accept reality is understandable because to do so would deflate your significant ego. If you were as clever as you think you are you wouldn’t be spending most of day trying to impress randomers on the other side of the Atlantic with pearls of wisdom like “done with Covid”.

Nobody is going to believe this

I pride myself on not telling lies on the internet.

:smiley: :smiley:, did you even read the definition on that hilariously random blog?

Interesting that a group whose primary concern is the living standards of low to middle earners believe that OIUTF without the vaccine has had dire consequences in terms of fatalities (27,000, which mentallers are admittedly apathetic about) but that there are negative economic consequences also.

“…allowing extra deaths did not limit economic impacts, but rather increased them, because it only precipitated longer and more onerous lockdowns.”

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Web MD is not a random blog you stupid cunt.
Their definition of lockdown agrees precisely with mine, you know, that thing you say isn’t a lockdown.

Sure it does Cleetus :smiley: :smiley:

So you accept they are lockdowns now?

No it’s just a misused generic term for restrictions. @Tierneevin1979 helpfully provided a random link to a definition. Not sure why he didn’t link to a dictionary but anyway the definition clearly states that lockdown prohibits non essential travel. People have been free to enter and exit this country since it started. Not sure if the UK have introduced mandatory quarantine but if they have it’s only been very recent so there has never been a full lockdown here.

Nothing yet…

With the exception of Norway, no other western country imposed the kind of border controls you are on about, you stupid cunt.

Yet you continually say lockdowns don’t work even though very few countries have implemented lockdowns as per the definition. You’re tying yourself up in knots again.

Strict border controls are a separate category of restrictions to lockdowns, just as voluntary measure like social distancing, self isolation, mask wearing, etc. are also a separate category. Every commentator on the pandemic uses these distinctions. You and I actually are agreement on one thing, lockdowns without strict border controls are next to useless, and the evidence for that is everywhere you look. The curves for cases and deaths look exactly the same for US states that had strict lockdowns, states that never had lockdowns, or abandoned them in May of 2020.

Obviously if the western world had adopted a zero Covid strategy from the beginning (January 2020) there would have been no pandemic. That means every border closed, every airport closed, every port closed, and the military and police in every country enforcing the closure. With the exception of the very few (NZ, Australia, Norway) no countries pursued this approach. Arguing for strict border controls now is like arguing for the 2001 AIF to be replayed.

What such a strategy would have done to the global economy is another discussion, along with the fact that once you shut your borders you can never open them until the virus has been completely eradicated everywhere. It only took 200 years to eradicate smallpox, I’m sure a man of your patience would have no issue with that.