NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Greed is good

Countries in northern Europe have generally experienced much lower mortality rates. Some Nordic nations have experienced almost no excess deaths at all. The exception is Sweden, which imposed some of the continent’s least restrictive social-distancing measures during the first wave.

As usual the mentallers bring in a misleading stat about no excess deaths in Sweden. As a standalone stat it gives the illusion of “nothing to see here” but as usual if you dig a little below the surface the reality will be easily found.

You better get that mess cleaned up before your daddy gets home from work

You continue to out yourself as an utter moron. You should really stop as you’ve convinced everyone at this stage.

Look at the chart of excess deaths by country. Sweden which had had no lockdowns is at position 32 at 108 excess deaths per 100k. Now compare them to European countries that have had 2, 3, 4 lockdowns. Bulgaria at 272, Lithuania (north Europe) at 269, Poland (northern Europe) 207, Romania 206, Portugal 201, Czech 192, UK (northern Europe) 187, Slovenia, Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Netherlands, etc. etc.

But let’s castigate Sweden for not following the example of Finland and Norway in not going for zero Covid, but let’s ignore all the other European countries who have been in lockdown for most of the last year and have done 2X worse than Sweden in terms of excess deaths.



Is this option available to us now?

While it’s not your preferred back of a fag box calc, it is a pretty comprehensive report with lots of like with like comparisons by region/gender/age etc. Also does some apples and oranges comparisons so it’s not biased at all. You’re really frothing here. Is it because they didn’t agree with your “done with covid” conclusion? Not sure why you get so angry, thought you’d be used to being horribly wrong by now.

Welcome to New Zealand - No poor allowed

It’s Covid they’re trying to keep out. Doing quite well too. The naive think it’s because they’re in the arse end of nowhere. Bit more to it than that.


But Norway…

Brits having their first day of loosened restrictions

Boris has been swinging it fairly loose for some time now.

Savage burn there by the EU. “Ha ye’ll all be healthy and infection free but ye won’t be able to come near us cos we’ll still be riddled”

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The mood of the nation seems to be joy that they have been vaccinated against not being able to go on holiday…did someone say something about a virus?

Tell that to the Spanish and Greek tourism industries

You’d wonder what they think they are vaccinated against?

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The unvaccinated maybe? Hard to say. Pure mangled to death shite about new variants. How do you think they’d react if you politely asked them what or how many variants the current vaccines do work against.

Bournemouth will be off the hook this summer

Great to see Sweden, having taken a holistic view to manage the health and well being of their citizens, being proven correct.