NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

People are complacent and put off by AZ’s risk (which is most of their vaccines). One of their head doctors in Queensland made the point after the Melbourne outbreak.

Do you mean Neurologist or Psychologist?

‘Swedish economy recovered to pre-pandemic levels’

The ‘bring out your dead’ character from the Holy Grail has made a fortune in overtime, mind.

You’ll all have long Indian covid.

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This is no time to show weakness.

Boris Johnson 5
Covid 0


@Cheasty won’t like that. Not one little bit.

Melbourne back in lockdown, I though lockdowns work?? :rofl:

They cause increases in domestic violence and depression. Maybe that’s how the Australian government has defined “working”.

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A good long lockdown will prevent you having to lockdown

The Aussies and Kiwis have made a right hames of it, way behind proper countries like the UK and America, vaccines are the only way out

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:rofl: aye its hard to decipher what is satire and what is real anymore.


Is that @mikehunt ?


If you have to, take the football in the groin rather than touching it with your hands

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2 world wars, a world Cup, brexit and hammering covid. Britain deserves the great title

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Has Fauci been fired yet?

Under pressure apparently.

What’s fascinating is he was told late Jan 2020 that it was a SARS virus that possibly had been genetically engineered and he told the American public there was nothing to worry about.

For that alone he should be criminally charged.


He deserves a few rounds from a ar15 in the head from a deranged lunatic