NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Australia has gone too far.


And our lot perched on JCBs to watch Junior B football

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Ah lovely. Up the ra

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Holohan would shit himself at those scenes

It’s easy see why John Bull saved the world in WW2.

Fearless. Where eagles dare.

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British brains won WW2, The yanks and the Russian provided the cannon fodder for Normandy, The eastern Front, and the far east


The Enigma project was crucial

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close the borders they said

I was watching a bit of the ABC reporting on it there and they were showing people having mental breakdowns on air over the lockdown, one guy crying etc.

It’s supposed to be only a week and I’m sure they’ll get on top of it. Weird that so many weren’t arsed getting vaccinated, they really seem to be in their own bubble.

This is the most iconic moment of 2021

How’s the Aussie vaccine rollout going ?

13% have one dose.

What’s that all about ? Surely their zero covid approach should be all about quick vaccination too

Think they are largely dependent on AZ and they haven’t got a huge level of supply. Maybe also vaccine hesitancy since so few have been infected it’s not seen as serious a societal issue as in Europe.

Australia and NZ are racist. Covid has given them the opportunity to ban foreigners. If they were to get vaccinated then they couldn’t use the cover of Covid to keep out the foreigners. At least that’s the slant of the tinfoil hat brigade.

Australia, from my experience, isn’t exactly the most tolerant of places when it comes to dealing with foreigners, especially asylum seekers