NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Time for sanity to prevail

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Does Cummings not know how to take screenshots?

I was talking to my Italian mate about the situation there. About a month ago a young Italian girl of about 18 years old dropped dead from a blood clot after getting the Astra Zeneca and now the whole country has gone mental. All Astra Zeneca was suspended. The government have now said that anyone who got the first dose of AZ but not the 2nd will be allowed get the 2nd dose of some other vaccine.

The levers of power of the United Kingdom being pulled in a manner quite similar to a provincial supermarket.


Is there anything to be said for another meeting ted?

Catalonia is OIUTF


I’d be very surprised if it didn’t, mate. Have you been to Barcelona?


The class A drugs Tom was offered in broad daylight on La Rambla were the ones that had been pickpocketed from him moments earlier.

I have mate, I just like saying TNH, it makes me feel like the big man on here.


BBC News - Covid: Sydney faces new restrictions as cluster grows

:joy: but lockdown works

Australia and NZ will have to move themselves further away from every where else so they can get even more lockdowny. Maybe they should be ejected into space altogether.

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The clowns wouldn’t let Bill Gates inject his trackers so they’ll have to get a few reminders

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You know Barcelona is back to life when you are being offered baking powder on Las Ramblas


Yeah in fairness I would recommend maintaining social distancing on Las rambla for that very reason. Lessons learnt from covid at least. You’ll keep your wallet

The lads selling cans aren’t really selling cans.

It’s a great city but you need your wits about you.

They need to be more like countries like Ireland which have had freedom.

:rofl: Australia has had a great 12 months of drinking, shmokin, rapin and pillagin but enough’s enough - we need to fall in line now.

You must be terribly jealous of us.