NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Great post @Julio_Geordio .They will have no option shortly but to follow the UK model and open everything up

But shure any time I or anybody else said the ideology of the OIUTF cult was “let it rip”, we were shouted down. “That’s not what we want at all”, said OIUTFers.

Now it turns out it was exactly what they wanted. Although this was very obvious all along.

I don’t follow you round the place lad so I don’t know wtf you’re on about,plus you were banned for a year and weren’t particularly missed.


This is a complete lie. Nobody was suggesting “let it rip” in 2020, sensible restrictions like Sweden would have resulted in the same outcome, and an actual focus on infectious disease control in nursing homes and hospitals would have greatly reduced deaths of the vulnerable. I recognize that is my opinion but it is backed up by professionals working in these potential hotspots, rather than academic bull shitters.

The situation now is completely different, those who are not vaccinated are the young who are not at significant risk from Covid, and a small subset of the older population who refuse to get vaccinated. Neither group justify ongoing restrictions let alone striving for Zero Covid.

If you closely follow the SAGE narrative, they have now pivoted to long Covid as the big danger, so as long as there is a threat of anyone getting infected they argue for a stricter lockdown to eliminate the virus. They are stone mad.

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100%.The goalposts are constantly moving.

The UK Government were all in on it before Ferguson and reality persuaded them otherwise.

Gupta and the Great Barrington set were all in on it too.

Sports Gemma has always been a let it rip ghoul and we’ve seen that sort of opinion predominate among the OIUTF mob for a long time now.

The reality is that the airline, pub and restaurant lobbies were pushing for let it rip. They would never say that but that’s what they were doing. They are businesses and the profit motive pays no heed to pesky public health.

You say you’re against ongoing restrictions yet earlier you said otherwise.

400k people in Britain have had Long Covid for over a year.

The OIUTF mob have entertained the rantings of anti-vaxxers when they overlapped with their own interests. Yet their ears are silent when the subject of Long Covid is brought up.

Mass uncontrolled spread, which is the goal of the British government now, is a medical experiment on a population one might more stereotypically associate with a country such as North Korea.

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You need to conserve your energy for the Copa America (Lambda) variant, which is already in the UK and is reportedly more transmissible and dangerous than Delta.

The Worldwide Zero Covid crew ISAG are signed up to are literally calling for Soviet style Communism


Xi’s speech last week was chilling. A generation of western academics especially scientists have been bought off by China and are convinced of their benevolent intent. “Cracking heads” means peaceful coercion.


Unlucky there @Chucks_Nwoko, I hope you can at least get takeaway coffee

Decision expected today on the lockdown extension, and as alluded to previously, my sources are indicating an extension.

There’s certainly worse places to be during a “lockdown” :grinning:

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Down at the oval practicing 45’s?

The 20 years of practice when I was younger didn’t do me much good. I’ll stick to taking peno’s on the young lad!

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I was talking to an Australian guy the other day who was made homeless as a result of their covid policies.

I don’t know what Australian cities are where. He was working over on one side of it and his family lived on the other side. He was made redundant due to covid and couldn’t pay his rent so he was evicted. He had to apply for permission to fly over to his family. Despite letters from his employer, letting agency and landlord, and his willingness to pay for MHQ at the other side he was refused permission three times, before eventually it was granted. Seemed nuts.

(this is not to say Ireland’s approach has been better)

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Stop peddling the lie that Finland, Norway and Denmark adopted the same approach as Australia and New Zealand. They didn’t. I’ve corrected you on this before.

Hanging around a children’s playground?

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Finland, Norway and Denmark did not keep their borders shut like New Zealand and Australia.You persist in peddling this lie. You say Ireland’s lockdown was useless while admitting they hadn’t a proper lockdown because they kept the borders open. You’re all over the place.

The fuck?

Can’t be doing too bad if he’s taking/making international calls all the same


More than a small touch of TNH.

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I just don’t know anymore