NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

OK Zombie.

Stop quoting far-right rags like…checks notes…The Guardian


By god.

The reasonably minded tinfoil hat brigade have been proven right at every turn the past few years


Covid passports are an eminently sensible idea.

Poor old Dim is obsessed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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He’s not so much living the dream as living the scream.

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He’s a scrambler….

Deadlier than he looks :skull_and_crossbones:

Who knew that epidemiologists were authoritarians?

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There won’t be a flat white, oj or eggs benedict thrown together until they’ve jabbed every porridge suppin’ diluted outlaw.
Mad thing is, they’re going to be hard to vaccinate. I’m hearing ‘I’ll only take Moderna’ and the likes. They’ll have a job on their hands. Talk of them offering incentives on flights in some form just to get people to vaccinate. What’s the point when they wouldnt let you back into the country after taking up their offer???!!

Cases up in quite a few places

its official, Boris Johnson leading the press conference today, he’s opening it up to fuck on the 19th July


They welding people into apartments in Sydney

Australian apartment blocks placed in hard lockdown in efforts to curb Covid outbreak Australian apartment blocks placed in hard lockdown in efforts to curb Covid outbreak

Dystopia. A health pass needed to go shopping or get on trains.