NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Are lads still questioning the caution on reopening here in Ireland?

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Looks like the self appointed “experts” on this forum were wrong yet again. Who could have foreseen that.

New Zealand are repatriating stranded Kiwis after travel with Sydney was suspended. These were primarily holiday makers tempted over by the travel bubble. I’m sure the public are now very confident in these travel bubbles. Why can’t we live normal life like New Zealand?


New music requirements in South Korea to deal with Covid.

The french public won’t take that shit, Pervert Macron is making a lot of mistakes lately

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Hardly a surprise given the number of obese English morons behaving like apes in heat over the past month. You can’t legislate for stupidity.


Cases in England have been on the rise since mid-May. You can’t blame it all on football, especially given that the OIUTF narrative was “look at the stadiums at the Euros, we should have that too”.

Covid has a 2-14 day incubation period so the 36,660 who tested positive today would have been infected in the past two weeks. It may have been a mistake to hold Euro 2020/21 games in England as the behavior of a segment of their fans is very predictable. You simply don’t see that level of apelike behavior elsewhere. What other country has sticking flares up your arse as a pastime?

Sorry but the behaviour of the vast majority of England supporters is exactly what the OIUTFers have been advocating. Sticking a flare up your arse in an outdoor setting may be the behaviour of an idiot but it is not more likely to give you Covid than the behaviour of the vast bulk of supporters who were behaving in a more normal fashion.

Deaths are a function of your case load three weeks previously and on June 22nd the UK’s case load was 11,625. So they can expect to be well over the 100 deaths per day mark over the coming weeks.

Sid is selectively posting Tuesday’s death figures from the UK to deliberately scaremonger which always include the weekend backlog, you should know better at this stage


There were only 6 deaths reported yesterday, I assume the Covid death reporters were hungover after Sunday.

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[quote=“Cheasty, post:6290, topic:30738, full:true”]
Sorry but the behaviour of the vast majority of England supporters is exactly what the OIUTFers have been advocating.[/quote]

Sorry, it isn’t. Everyone has the option to act sensibly during a pandemic, and there’s not a lot a government can do to stop people behaving like apes short of rounding them up and quarantining them for two weeks.

A real shocker, one of the things those crazy Swedes got wrong eh


Deaths and hospitalizations are holding steady, the UK is practically fully vaccinated at this stage, cases don’t matter a fuck anymore, its driving the covid nutcases absolutely mental


When the lads on the beach on Salthill were crowding into groups of 100 or more and dancing and coughing all over each other it was widely applauded here.

The Netherlands opened nightclubs and saw their case figure rocket x 12.

Covid does not distinguish by nationality, much as you might wish to think so.