NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I’m sure Aoife McLysaght will tell the Vietnamese to WFH and buy their books online.


There’s some suggestion now that New South Wales don’t think they can suppress it like before. They are going with a max suppression strategy again because it is politically expedient and they don’t want deaths at this point as they are vaccinating. The hope is that other countries show how a high % impacts mortality and they can eventually start to reopen at low levels of Covid and have their natural exit wave. Either way, the lockdown they are in now is likely going to go on a while.

The other Australian States and New Zealand still seem to think they can avoid deaths from Covid. NSW might be a blessing in disguise for Australia as they seemed to be collectively trundling on the path of isolation indefinitely.

For all the horny teens having their ‘Hot Girl Summer’

Those Generation Emigration stories the Irish Times like to run have really changed their tune @briantinnion

Australia is a barbaric society


Well there is definitely a correlation between fix news viewers and the number of brain cells they have. Shocking carry on. Fox are like someone calling for OIUTF and being anti vax. Deranged

A pingdemic in the UK.


Meanwhile in Australia, I guess you could call this ‘contact tracing’.

She’s the CHO there who recommended that people in crowds in Adelaide at the AFL not to touch the ball if it comes near them because Melbourne had a couple of cases. Meanwhile, more from the dreamland that is #WeCanBeZero

I find it very funny that Dimmy seems to be very opinionated indeed, almost frothing at the mouth over what’s happening in Australia (he smells death and he likes it) yet he hasn’t once proposed what Australia should do.

Seems quite the piece of the puzzle to ignore.

It’s almost like he gets all his information about Australia from rants by far right shock jocks on Sky News Australia - their equivalent of Fox News.

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It’s perfectly normal that a lad who went to CBC Monkstown would spent his whole mornings desperately trying to promote mass death in Australia.

Perfectly normal.

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He’s got all the hallmarks of one of these lads that came out for a year, but went back to Ireland after 2 weeks because he missed mammy. Has wished evil on Australia ever since. I can spot them a mile off.

People who don’t care enough for their families that they’ll move half way across the world to get away from them. Anyone who settles there permanently shows what kind of person they are deep down.

I see he’s just proved you right. This is the same lad who claims to be “American”. It’s fascinating when such lads project their own inner turmoil outwards.


Big problems ahead for the global economy

No surprise that the US are willing to help Vietnam

I told you…I can spot them a mile off :wink:

There’s an awful want in the chap.

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This is exactly what we’re doing in Ireland but no one cares because it only affects foreigners and the weakest in society.

We are locking up people for two weeks based on where they’ve been. With no clear criteria for selecting the places on the list, and with the entire rationale for the list (variants) having been fucked out the window anyway.

@Cheasty reckons it’s better than nothing though (clearly, it isn’t).

The self unaware, sneering elitism in his posts quite startling. Claiming that Irish people who go to Australia are doing so because they “don;t care for their families”, “to get away from their families” and “are showing what kind of person they are deep down” is very “well if they can afford to leave the country they can afford to eat in a modestly priced restaurant”.

More Partridge than Partridge himself.

I mean why couldn’t they just build a big extension on the family compound, like the Ewings did?

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