NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Gassed before it’s all done. The antics on the sidelines while you have the shrewd operators like Cody and kiely keeping their cool playing the long game.

Who will be on the late late first? Tony or Davy

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Great to see tassotti still has the straw hat

I got voxpopped by the bbc in Birmingham today from a pub. Take personal responsibility and fuck the government cause they won’t help. It probably wasn’t aired.


I know. Which is why history may well look back on this with slight incredulity

Seems like Macron has done a u-turn on vaccine passports for indoor dining etc. The French know how to protest.

The number of excess deaths in India during the Covid-19 pandemic could be 10 times higher than the official death toll, according to a study that estimates that between 3 million and 4.7 million more people died than would be expected between January 2020 and June 2021.

The study, carried out by the US based Centre for Global Development, examined three different sources of data to piece together one of the most comprehensive pictures yet of the pandemic in India.

Amen to that, brother.

There’s nothing like a story containing “could be” to really clarify any situation.


I’d be very surprised if that wasn’t the case. Shur wasn’t there bodies floating around in rivers and everything?

Another Australian State, South Australia, has gone into lockdown. Meanwhile Melbourne have extended their second lockdown in a month until next week.

Dimmy is like a dingo. He smells death, and he likes it.

Was a strange one for him. The wild conspiracy theory was that he wanted extra powers for himself before the next election.

If even Australia can’t keep delta out I think it shows the futility of zero covid in the long run.


There is no delta variant in Australia.
These lockdowns are being engineered to bully people into partaking in the global mass vaccination experiment.


As long as they keep the “wogs” from coming into Australia and stop cosmopolitan Paddy coming back to Ireland and rocking up to barbecues with his friendship bracelets everybody wins.

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That’s doing a great disservice to dingoes everywhere.

Low vaccination rates = low cases = Here have a lockdown for a few weeks and see what you think.

Medium vaccination rates = high cases = you’ll need to be vaccinated before we let you travel

High vaccination rates = sky high cases = you’ll need to be vaccinated if you want to leave your house


Yes. 100%

Point noted and accepted.

SE Asia now has the same issue that Europe had in March 2020. The first time out they were dealt the virus that could be controlled from their historic experience, but they have now been dealt a more transmissible variant that it seems impossible to stop. Europe thought they were dealing with a SARS Cov-1 like animal the first time out but weren’t aware of how Italy had the first major mutation which increased transmission.

Interesting to see how a slowdown in manufacturing in that part of the world impacts the economy. I’m going to say not good given the jitters about Delta in highly vaccinated countries. How can SE Asia hope to stop it with the poverty levels there? All you can see happening is this being a wave that will naturally run it’s course at some point but remain at a low level there.

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