NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The problem is you can’t engage with a counterpoint. You can only go on and on repeating the same suite of beliefs you have swallowed whole. Ever wonder why the only one that engages in your endless circular arguments is the racist gobshite abroad in America? It’s because that’s your level now.

Sad to say but there it is.

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The lad whose “argument” is “you’re a Republican voter” is complaining about apparently “not engaging with a counterpoint”.

The fascination never ends on this site.

It’s fairly straightforward.

We’re in the middle of a pandemic. People die whilst figuring out that we need to vaccinate people. We make the vaccine. We vaccinate the willing. People will die whilst waiting for a vaccine.

Then the ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ will have to accept what happens when they don’t vaccinate, whatever that may be.

Then we move on.


Black woman speaks truth to power, and is removed from the Commons for it by the Tory Deputy Speaker.

The right wing so called “drive for civility” means one can lie with impunity, but one cannot ever call out the lies, and black women especially are not allowed do it. It’s so “uncivil”, dahling. Why can’t Dawn Butler just “know her place”?

These are the rules of the game. And we know who on this forum supports those rules.

Handy half day

:grinning: the army can beat a respiratory virus, safetyism is great

Record number of cases in other Zero Covid dreamland of Thailand

Suggestion in this thread that the U.K. aren’t authorising the vaccine for 12-15 because they simply don’t have the supply.

England has fallen asunder since they lost the Euros.

They shouldn’t be authorising them for any person born before 2003.

its barbaric vaccinating children


It really is and the type of people who advocate this are a danger to society.

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No, the likes of you is.

Should that not be are?

In your case it’s “arse”.

Either is alright. ‘Likes’ is like ‘people’, adhesive to both singular and plural usage.

You are not alright, though. A lad letting on to be concerned about “children” who was quite happy to see elderly people die simply because they are elderly.

You are some scumbag.

So you were wrong?


A sad day when a forklift driver is handing out grammatical lessons to a self-proclaimed master writer.

There are actually laws against this I think you’ll find. Laws surrounding discrimination I think you will find.

No, as explained. But so what, even if I was?

I could not care less that you are a dead end ladeen, with a personality defect. Drive away.

But I do object to a scumbag giving it licks with populist guff.

You will always be a scumbag.

And laughable. ‘I am too afraid to take a vaccine but I am a mighty mouse otherwise.’