NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Does not matter, his origins, except that he hails from Terre Scumbag Fuckwit.

Sorry but I intensely dislike the term ‘Nordie’.

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You just earned a few peanuts.

The law is the law… If you dont like it you can sling your hook - there’s right wing anti vaxx merchants all over the world.

I’m not anti-vaxx. If you are in an at risk category you should take it as the pros outweigh the cons. People should be allowed make informed decisions without being discriminated against, in fact it’s your mantra which is heavily aligned with right wing fascism tenets of totalitarianism and authoritarianism.

But as I said you seem intent on behaving like a 10 year old girl.

Speaking of right wing anti vaxx merchants - where’s @The_Most_Infamous ?

People should be allowed make informed decisions? :laughing: - I’ll just go to a public indoor space while there’s a airborne virus doing the rounds and if / when I get sick the state can look after me … I think you need more than shade at this stage, you need an ice bath… we 've had 18 months of people breaking restrictions and you think a sizeable amount wont go to pubs or other indoor arenas? … , but , but, but discrimination … go way you simple minded fool… we want the economy to get back up and running and indoor facilities to stay open.



You seem to overinflating the impact this virus has on the majority of the population - we never did this with flu which was an airborne virus which caused people to get sick. It’s clear you a very uninformed person, what’s worrying is that you seem to speak with authority through words of ignorance and lack of understanding.

The impact of the virus on the majority of the population ??? Eh, hello!!? we’ve had rolling lock downs and public indoor spaces have been closed for basically 18 months … you really are very, very stupid.

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Blah blah blah. ‘Covid-19 equals flu. Let vulnerable people die so that scumbags like me can feel free. I have no sense of judgement or proportion or morality. But I am terribly terribly concerned about children.’

And this craic is the OIUTF perspective in capsule form.

I know we’ve had them. They haven’t worked either.

You calling someone stupid is what is referred to as a double negative.

Someday you might try and post something intelligent. It will be a monumental feat for you.

When the cap fits …

It took you how long to come up with that shite…

You are getting destroyed, as should always happen with a scumbag who thinks people should die for his little slice of freedom. Into the bargain, you are an ignoramus who just parrots certain words and phrases as if doing so meant anything significant.

But keep on keeping on. They say everything has a place in nature, bluebottles to condors.

You’re drunk again.

No. I dislike alcohol early doors.

But Churchill’s response to Bessie Braddock, even if I was intoxicated, would apply mutatis mutandis.

I’m not aware of any law preventing pub or restaurant owners from barring entry to their premises for non-vaccinated people.

Land owners can’t have a discriminatory door policy but discrimination is defined in very narrow terms. Restaurant owners who want to stop travellers from entering can usually still find a cause to deny entry, on the grounds that they don’t like their shoes or their dress or something like that. Presumably entry could he denied on the grounds of vaccination status in the same way that it can be denied according to dress code.

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Like bouncers in Dublin deciding it’s over 23s when a bunch of young roasters approach on a busy GAA weekend.


Correction: perhaps there might be GDPR issues but ultimately no-one would be forced to hand over information they don’t want to - they could just go to another pub. You voluntarily give your name and other info when you book into a hotel, that’s not a GDPR issue.

oh dear