NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

“Disgusted at a protest”

People are losing their minds

We’ve lost Sydney, when someone punches a horse it sets the alarm bells off

once Queensland is safe is all that matters

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You’d think they’d have changed the name of it.

Quisling cunts

What a headline.

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arent you a card carrying member of the TFK west brit blueshirt faction?

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Sounds like NZ will have trouble getting vaccines to a decent level

The power of vaccines

Really hard to see how it’s justifiable that the west keeps vaccines for children whilst Australia and other third world countries can’t get their hands on them for older members of society.


Vaccinating the children is what the zealots have demanded.

Who gives a fuck about Australia? We should certainly give them to developing countries.

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Australia estimating 70% to 80% required for them to reopen. Good luck to them getting there.

Ireland are on 66% and will need all the 12-17s we have to take the vaccine to get near 80%.

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Still a lot of hesitancy out there in 1st world countries with the vaccine. Jim Corr’s on a roll.

Soon, the girls will barely be his backing band.

Are the living the dream brigade still living the dream i wonder?

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Depends on what the dream is

You can forget about Australia as a country

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My sister and her husband are there 3 years left good jobs here to go they are seriously considering coming home at this stage they see no end to it they tell me the Aussies are not anti vaccination as such but insular in that they know better than everyone else

Another heavenly day at the beautiful Maroubra Beach. There must’ve been a good 50 or 60 out on the surf this morning, lapping it all up. And yes, that is a giant rubiks cube on the beach.


Enjoy it while it lasts.

I think a few lads on here have a very different image of a LOCKDOWN in their heads. Lots of people out and about with their families this morning. A really wholesome, sunny day!

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