NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Bill de Blasio isn’t even his real name. How can you trust that

It’s funny how the OIUTF leaning posters are being tarnished as far right and yet they believe Socialist Sweden have had a good pandemic and are handling their affairs well. To me those arguing OIUTF have been shown to be open minded and moderate in comparison to the LIDTF who don’t believe in freedom of choice and are pushing for tyranny and suppression akin to that of the USSR in it’s heyday or communist China.


Remarkable effort!

A city of 5 million and 200 odd cases. I think most were bracing for 5,000+ cases a day like some European countries but 200? :ronnyroar:

its only starting for you my friend

The LIDTF are uneasy that they stand for everything they liked to moralise against.

They are the ones who want to coerce people into following their views and the ones who want to discriminate against those with different outlooks and views. Dogmatic zealots, they have all the hallmarks of the far right and matters of fact or truth are an inconvenience in their pursuit. Very dangerous individuals for an open and embracing society.


Indeed. We’ll do well to keep it under ten THOUSAND.

The irony here being that black and brown people are the ones not getting the vaccine in places like New York. Jim Crow is back!

Class alright, I expect a few more beach pics from you pretending normal life is going on. It’s lads taking takeaway coffee photos on the seafront vibes that we saw throughout our lockdowns. See you in 2022. :blush:

Green is a wonderful colour on you. :kissing_heart:

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Another lockdown for Melbourne, third one in 2 months. They only got out of their last one last week.

Decisive work from Premier Andrews who has been a shining light of competence during this pandemic.

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Deutschland 83

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a dystopian nightmare

It’s very sad


Tricky one this for the Ron Death Sentence fans who have suddenly switched - in a pandemic of all times - to becoming pro-uncontrolled immigration, where previously they wanted to seal the border off to people of colour.

It looks like this fella just isn’t very good at his job. I suppose that’s what happens when your whole ideology is that of an insane right-wing kulturkampf.

He’s spot on and likely next US president, border security is the job of the federal government not the states. This will be one of the issues that results in Democrats losing their House and Senate majority in 2022. As I’ve told you multiple times, nobody does foot shooting quite like US Democrats, it’s a predictable as night following day.

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Well of course you think he’s “spot on”, you’re a crazy American right wing nut.

I’m a moderate US Democrat, saddened to see leftist loons destroying my party.