NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It’ll be ok because only me, the customs officer, the lad in the army and the hotel staff will get it. That way it’s kept out of the country

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Thank god for that. If a highly transmissible VARIANT got into the country it could undo all our good work.

If anything you should be encouraged to go on even more foreign holidays to keep your incubating Kuwaiti and Georgian infections out of Ireland.

oh dear

3600 cases since June. Rookie numbers

They’ll have to close the border forever

Across 15 provinces and 20 cities, but just 300 cases

jennifer lawrence ok GIF

Their figures make absolutely no sense and haven’t since day 1.

I find that very surprising

Surprised Saint Jacinda allows this to go on.

Best tip off The Female Lead brigade


Proper order. Vaccination passports should be extended to all areas of society.

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The Ron Death Sentence fanboys here have gone very quiet.

You’d suspect there a few small poxes on this forum who would like to bring back smallpox.

Nearly six weeks into lockdown now and they’ve just posted record cases. They’re not getting back to zero again.

As much as our ego loves to drag us into a multitude of daily us v them moments…

It’s almost like the lockdown isn’t working.

Zero Covid is a communist dream

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