NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I have yeah, what’s your point?

I think the complacency led to not being firm enough and fast enough in locking down to eliminate the initial cases.

The sort of complacency that pro-Covid loons like Dimmy would have been in favour of.

Because the NSW government is Liberal Party, they have a lot of the loony Aussie press in their ear, the Sky News types etc. That has to contribute to complacency.

The road ahead is longer and more difficult now as a result of that. It’s a variation of the same mistakes we’ve constantly seen the world over.

Ah look, I think they reacted fairly quickly and the snap lockdown coupled with the contact tracing has undoubtedly saved lives.

Australia has generally been exemplary in how it has dealt with this, but sadly the nature of the ever changing beast is that if you take your eye off the ball for a second it unleashes itself. I fear Sydney in particular has a very hard road ahead over the coming months.

the next 2 weeks are critical :rofl:

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The “they didn’t lockdown fast and hard” is the latest “they didn’t do socialism right” excuse. Sydney was cited by them months ago as the example to follow, no hard lockdowns if you have good public health systems when cases are less than 10 a day so you avoid rolling lockdowns.

Now they are revising that to you have to lockdown straight away with a couple of cases. Rolling lockdowns are now fine apparently.

It’s the same people who were against travel bans a year and a half ago but have now become little Nigel Farages, rationalising it to themselves that they were right all along. Australia is apparently a great example and every death is tragic. Yet 50 Aussies died overseas from Covid with 3 on of them on the “stranded Australians” at risk listing that were unable to get back into Australia due to their barbaric border restrictions. Some country.

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Dimmy is very angry the Aussies didn’t let tens of thousands of pesky human beings die.

With right wing nuts it always comes back to killing people off.

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The Zero Covid crackpots in Ireland have been quietly sidelined by the likes of the Soc Dems. All they have left is Tomas Ryan’s zoom calls with 12 viewers.


The Irish government made lots of mistakes during the pandemic but not going Zero Covid was one they deserve some credit for. They need to be hammering the opposition parties who called for it in January, it would have been the biggest public policy mistake since the bank guarantee. Those who proposed it are unfit for government.


I don’t understand why the low case/death numbers have him so upset? It’s the behaviour of a sociopath.

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Yeah. We need to hammer it into the successful countries how their success was failure and our failure was success.

Says the lad who made a deity of Ivor Cummins and Graham Neary. :rofl:

Ah shure what are the lives of 50k people worth. Being right on the INTERNET is all that matters. Apparently.

Says the lad who moved half way around the world to get away from home! :grin:

He stiffed him for an invoice

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Big difference between a week in Playa del Rotto and what you’re referring to :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Dimmy is upset Australia has 5x the population of Ireland but not 5x the deaths.

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He’s the sort of lad that eggs other lads on to get hit by buses for his own personal enjoyment.

I’d suggest one of these for him.


I see a wedding turned nasty in Australia