NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

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Are they spraying Covid at them?


Police looking for a women wearing a ‘Make Victoria Great Again’ hat

What is that stuff? Where can I get some??

Covid restrictions almost completely gone in Scotland


Eerily reminiscent of WW2 Germany & France under Nazi occupation.

Zero covid is flying it I take.

It is absolutely not flying.
No flying ever.


RTÉ are reporting their various lockdowns tbf but the blame is being put on the Australian Federal Government rather than the policy itself.

The replies to that thread are insane. Adelaide was a nice place but also one of the most boring cities on earth. There’s people there who would be happy enough to live out the rest of their days with no Covid risk whatsoever. Imagine wanted to just live your life out like that.

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Its a tricky one for the Oz Gov. Covid is not going anywhere so their policy which seems popular from here is doomed for failure. No natural immunity means it could lead to a few deaths in the 80+ category of people.

The next two weeks are vital.

Arden is coming under serious pressure to open the borders. NZ has always had to import labour and many sectors, in particular hospitals, are under massive pressure by not being able to recruit staff.

Joe Rogan talking a lot of sense above. Good to see.

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That Robert Burke chap is an awful flute.

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I think he’s correct in a lot of what he says.

Saying that, we differ on most things.