NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Anybody who describes themselves as “Irish political commentator and reluctant culture warrior” is a flute.


Its all about finding tweets that agree with your bias I guess


What kind of a kip is this?

Are you checking papers at the door @Lazarus ?

cc @Spidey


The only paper being checked is legal tender


Show us your Paddy Power slips or feck off


We should rewild Australia and send them all to a camp in Papua New Guinea. They tried, they failed its time to move on from the Australia experiment

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Give Australian back to those who own it. The Kangaroos.

This is what happens when you don’t level with your population on risks and tradeoffs

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This is really bad for the US. They have a much worse age breakdown in terms of who is being vaccinated than we do.

The consequences of unchecked right wing disinformation writ large yet again.

Neither is it a good indicator good for anywhere in the world, though the degree to which different places are affected will be determined by their vaccination uptakes and the precise age breakdown of such.

But all the signs are that there is another long winter ahead.

That’s a very good article. Explains it all fairly well.

How are the UK doing now ? Surely they are a massive test case contained on one island

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Quite a positive article. Our vaccine rate means we are likely approaching herd immunity or as good as it can be. At our levels the vaccine disconnects the virus from the disease.

Even for those of us at Lee Sharpe and Stewart downing levels of left wingedness - at the level of vaccination we will have in a month ( over 90pc of all adults, shitloads of teenagers and all old people) surely it really then is ‘no more than a flu’? ie the dangers from it to the population would be similar to the yearly proper flu. You wouldn’t like to get it, could really knock you if you do and will leave a small amount of people in hospital or dead?

That is certainly the hope, but predicting how the virus will evolve is not trivial. The selective pressure on the virus is to evade immunity, so just like the flu we will likely see different versions come along that need a different vaccine.

Another day in paradise

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All the Irish over there must be cracking up.