NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Boosters till 2024 in Canada for the whole population.

Gangbusters indeed.

New Zealand needs to give up spectacular success and embrace dismal failure.

They need to listen to a load of unhappy middle aged Irish lads on the INTERNET.

Melbourne going into lockdown again. 🤷🤷🤷

One of my college pals is living in Sydney. We generally keep the WhatsApp to discuss important matters such as GAA and pints.

Asked him about their zero covid policy and he said that Sydney has thousands of foreigners in west Sydney who are living in cramped accommodation that don’t understand self isolating on their minimum wage job whilst living with 10 people in a 2 bed apartment.

He made out they don’t have many cases which sounds like us this time last year. They are a long way off getting out of it.

They’re still in one, it’s been extended again. They might get two weeks off before the next in a month or so, though it appears as though quite a few of them have given up.

Jacinda is in a tough spot. She has to keep up the charade that New Zealand can avoid Covid deaths but they are running out of essential workers like doctors so need the border to reopen.

Sydney might be a blessing in disguise because it is forcing them to accept a level of Covid in the community. They have a few headbanger Premeirs who want to keep up the policies indefinitely as insularity is a vote winner but it’ll be a struggle in 6 months time.

Lockdowns are middle class pursuit. The first one had a combination of community spirit and fear which resulted in cases getting super low.

ZC has now been reinvented to mean lockdown straight away if you have a case, which was not what it was sold to the Irish public as.

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Promoting mass death is an upper class pursuit.

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Referring to the Irish again I see

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The Female Lead feminists have been quite on social media lately, the sun doesn’t actually shine out of Jacinda’s arsehole it seems


Sweden followed the western medical approach laid out for pandemics and has won. The rest of us followed some half baked authoritarian approach that didn’t work… The Australians and kiwis are still following it …


Welcome aboard. Most of the western world was in full on panic mode in March 2020 and tried to follow the Chinese lockdown strategy, forgetting that we don’t live in totalitarian regimes and what worked there couldn’t be done here. Unless you can actually lock down the whole place and nail peoples’ doors shut, lockdowns don’t work because there is enough social mixing allowed (essential services) or ignoring of restrictions by at least 20% of the population, the virus continues to spread and goes through successive waves like every pandemic. It’s actually mindboggling that you still have people who believe that you can impose draconian restrictions and that people who have been used to relative freedom for generations would just suck it up for 18 months and go along with it. The fucking Australian morons have told people not to take off their masks at the park to drink a beer. FFS.

This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, winter could be the catastrophe that ZeroCoviders have been worried about. Breakthrough cases are growing by the day, everyone here is being advised now to get a booster shot (of the same vaccine that apparently isn’t that protective against the Delta variant). Why isn’t the protection from the vaccine lasting, and why would a booster shot from the same vaccine that is bothered by Delta help matters? We could well be setting ourselves up for fucking up our immune systems and helping the virus infect us rather than hindering it.

I think what this has exposed, as if it needed exposing, is we are governed by complete idiots, and over time they get worse. The US has spent trillions on ME wars for decades, mainly to keep oil flowing at a reasonable price (which admittedly everyone in the west benefits from), and yet has just walked away from the main source of Lithium and rare earth metals outside of China. Regardless of whether it’s China or Russia that cozies up to Afghanistan and mines those valuable metals, they are the new oil and the west will have zero control over it.

We are completely fucked. Learn some Mandarin.


Alcohol is prohibited on most Australian beaches.

Can you drink at all outside?

I could have sworn I did a fair bit of drinking outside during my 5 or 6 trips to Australia.

Huh? No drinking alcohol on the beaches. Broken glass and sand are an especially troublesome duo.

Drink in a park if you want.

OK, so I’ll correct the record. Can you confirm that your government is telling people not to take their masks off to drink beer at the park?

I can confirm that neither the NSW state government, nor the federal government, have issued a directive of this nature.

Can’t say I’m really au fait with the laws down in Victoria. I’d imagine it’s similar with you and any directives issued in New Mexico or Missouri?

As an outsider, it sounds like a general deterrent to having large gatherings in parks or outdoor areas (which typically involve alcohol).

DISCLAIMER: I haven’t studied Victorian state law in any capacity.