NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I’d be interested in what Oregon and Washington are doing, as whatever they do we are likely to follow.

It sounds like complete madness to me. Do they think it will work?

It seems a bit nonsensical alright, similar to the 9 euro rule Ireland had (among others).

I’m guessing they want people to have their masks on them at all times. In reality, you’re unlikely to be arrested/fined if you’re drinking a beer in the park with a mask down around your neck. Again, I stress I am not across the rules of other states.

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The 40+ cohort can register today.

The below is entire population. Only AZ and Pfizer in play in New Zealand.

The country is shutting down over 1 (one) case. If that’s the threshold for opening up they have a long way to go

Bye, bye freedom.

Terrifying. I dont see how anyone could defend or support that

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Oh you’d be surprised.

As is right and proper. Actual responsible public health policy.

Over 1 case of a virus that the vast majority of people will survive? I can’t get onboard with that.

If, hypothetically, doctors could tell people about the first cancer cells appearing in the body in real time, what would you suggest? Treating it immediately, or letting them grow for a bit and see what happens? And then acting surprised when a diagnosis of six weeks to live is given?

Let the cancer grow, say the OIUTF cult.

I see we have lockdown nuts trying to diminish cancer now.

I was sceptical of lockdowns from the off but once it was clear that’s the only road we were gonna pursue then there were times where we simply had to do it such was the ridiculous rise is cases and deaths in homes… The Swedes followed conventional western medicine practices and have been vindicated.

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Meltdown incoming. Again. They occur daily at this stage.

That’s a different scenario entirely.

You, and the rest of the comfortable middle-class WFH heroes, never take into account the damage lockdowns do.

The Swedes are compliant. Paddy doesn’t like being told what to do.

If they had closed bars / nite clubs and just kept pushing social distance we would have been fine – Paddy has a serious drink problem which leads to all his other problems

Paddy has done what he’s told from the start, the servile fuck.


It’s the exact same logic.

As I said last night, promoting mass death is a very upper class ideology.

You should probably have a wee think about that.

A better analogy would be to immediately ban all carcinogenic products and substances. And impose strictly controlled daily calorie limits.

People are literally eating themselves to death.

A chap who tries to diminish cancer accusing others of trying to promote mass death.

Deary me.