NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I’m not promoting mass death.

If we’re to believe western science when it comes to vaccines and treatments - why didnt we back western science in dealing with the pandemic like Sweden did? They followed western science to a tee.

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Do you genuinely believe this? How do you see Australia getting out of this policy? Rejoining the world in say two years time if or when they have enough vaccinations in?

No no. Anytime ANYONE gets ANYTHING contagious and potentially life threatening, you shut the entire country down. And anyone that disagrees is “promoting mass death”

80% by December, according to my sources.

The OIUTF cult have continually promoted mass death.

A bit of common sense, evidence based reasoning and ethics. Should have the usual suspects hopping etc.
I assume the wack jobs advocating vaccinating kids didn’t realise johnson and johnson were openly stating risks

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Now you’re just being silly. “You can eat in a restaurant while having Ebola”, “obesity spreads through the air” silly.

Is David Icke in it?

Why did certain posters have no problems with seasonal flu overwhelming the health service and killing people en masse every year?

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This is actually not what was sold to the Irish public but the Zero Coviders are now claiming otherwise. They had previously lavished praised on NSW for not locking down with a few cases as their public health teams would do their thing- no more yo yo lockdowns they claimed. Now it’s lockdown straight away.

In my mind I always read Dimmy’s banal bleatings about Australia and New Zealand in a high pitched, shrieking, squealing voice.

Exactly as they’re meant to be read.

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That appears to be his argument alright. If you take it to it’s natural conclusion you have to ban smoking drinking cars donkies swimming, anything else you can think of.

I don’t really agree with your let it rip views either as you know.

If you don’t go out there now and deliberately walk under a bus, you’re afraid of life.

I dont have let it rip views, I just felt lockdowns were disproportionate and not effective. I think the evidence from places that never locked down bears that out. I also never criticized the NZ approach regarding zero-COVID (well until today). I just felt it wasn’t possible in Ireland as we much closer and much more connected to our neighbours than NZ are.


Adults or population? We’re way above 80% of adults and closing on 80% of population. It’s not enough to stop rakes of cases and some deaths. So presumably at some point Australia has to take the leap from zero covid to relying on vaccination, and at that point there will be a big spike and deaths. Probably far fewer deaths overall than Europe had and that can be viewed as a success.

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Yeah zero covid was always impossible in Ireland and anyone that says otherwise is nuts. I don’t see why anyone would criticise NZ, they seem to have managed it very well.

It has been fascinating seeing @glasagusban turn into @Tierneevin1979.

“Arrgghghhhh!!! Communism!!! Arrrgghhhgghh!!! I mean Zero Covid!!! Arrgggghhghhh”

Obesity kills more people than Covid ever will.

Anybody over a certain BMI should be locked up until they are no longer at risk of overwhelming the health system. That’s your logic not mine.


Now you’re being even more silly than previously.

Your logic is that New Zealand should collectively walk under a bus.

Because “freedom” or something like that.