NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

He’s a flu denier, happy to dimiss the severity of flu and its annual impact on the health system.

People buying pants with a waist size over 34" should be reported to the authorities.


I thought that too after 5yrs here.

Then covid came and the government asked the Swedes to wear masks on public transport. Approx half of public transport were masked for a month, then people just stopped wearing them.

I learned that Swedes won’t comply if you won’t fine them and the government were too afraid of introducing a penalty for non compliance.

An excise duty on belt sizes would be a good method of modifying behaviour - €5 tax on size 30 belts, €20 tax on size 32, €1,000 on size 34, €5,000 on size 36, etc. People below size 30 could get tax rebates maybe.

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Employers should be obliged to measure employee BMIs on a monthly basis and this should have ramifications on pay, promotions and health and pension benefits.

This fat shaming is doing tfk no favors.

Yours etc
A wearer of a 36” pants.


When people who are not in shape are shaming people who make conscionable decisions to not take the vaccine, then we will fight back against the fatties, the smokers, the drinkers, the unfit, the inactive with vigour.


5 years ago my post would have gotten 20+ likes, before the Father’s Issues thread took over TFK.

Sounds like the Governor believes in science and doesn’t believe in masks

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“No American needs a booster shot” Joe Biden, July 2021.

“All Americans need a booster shot” Joe Biden, August 2021.

“The Afghan army are well able for the Taliban” Joe Biden, July 2021

“So long Afghanistan, you’re on your own” Joe Biden, August 2021.


Employees should also divulge their 5k time. Those over 30 minutes shouldn’t be given a desk or office chair.


America is a mental place.

Great idea

Christian Science isn’t science, mate.

Uncle Joe has rattled to within an inch of your life.

No comment from you on the evil Greg Abbott however.

I don’t live in Texas, Greg Abbott has no effect on me.
I do live in the US, Joe Biden has an effect on me.

You don’t live in Texas or the US, but spend most of your day posting about places that have no impact on your life.

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Communism has absolutely no effect on your life and never has had yet you’re obsessed with it.

Tut tut.

10 cases now, its growing exponentially, lets see Aherne get out of this one with her zero covid headbanger shite

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And you can be sure there are a lot more than 10.

Not much talk about Sweden anymore from the lockdown fanatics I see