NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

They’re all dead.

They’re doing remarkably well sure.

It’s clear following China’s lead with mandatory face mask, lockdowns etc was a total cod.

Nphet won’t budge though of course. The cunts.

Face mask on walking to the jacks for optic reasons in a pub. Its a joke.

Its unbelievable really.

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non of that face nappy shite in rural Clare, Kerry or Galway last week in the pub

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Right job.

We went upto Donegal there in July. Ate and drank away indoors and not once wore a mask over a week.

Still alive to tell the tale too.

If you ever see the inside of a pub in Limerick again you’ll find it to be the same, you won’t need your mask in a pub or restaurant

I’ve been in a few pal. I won’t go near anywhere looking for papers though.

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It was a great break.

Got lucky with the weather.

It was lovely up there in July alright. It never happened

Malin Head was a right drop in temperature when we went up there.

Fuck all to see there really.

Savage mist up there. Was a bit of a spin as well. The missus wasnt overly impressed.

Ards Friary was class. Couple of beaches there were unreal.

You don’t hear much about Florida’s supposed “success” any more. I wonder why.

What are the excess death figures over the last 18 months?

Proper stats now, not some ape off twitter.

Give it a rest, mate and just suck up you being wrong. Florida is a complete basket case led by a barbaric monster who should be in prison.

Do you have the numbers?

Cases are meaningless, mate.

Excess deaths in a state without lockdowns vs a state with lockdowns is what we need to be looking at.

Florida’s deaths are well over a hundred daily.

I’ve provided some numbers above for you.

You didn’t comment on them. Funny, that.

DeathSentence should be in prison.

And his utterly shameless cheerleaders deserve scorn, ridicule, but most of all pity. Brainwashing is a terrible thing.

Seems to be no real timeline on the spikes there though, mate.

With the greatest respect to you, a random graph on twitter could be anything.

Does he work for the CDC? Is he distingushing between the vaccinated and unvaccinated?

is Sid back to saying Covid is a deadly disease, or is he saying it is just a flu again ?

So many flip flops :mask:

it is possible to get the vaccine and still get COVID