NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Deaths per million by state:

  1. New Jersey 3008
  2. New York 2802
  3. Mississippi 2660
  4. Massachusetts 2663
  5. Rhode Island 2594
  6. Florida 1915
  7. Texas 1892

4 of the top 5 are run by loons like Andrew Cuomo and the lad you are responding to. He has OCD about Florida and Texas because they won’t bend the knee to the liberal left.


The deniers have circled the wagons. Denialism and hurt feelings at being wrong are a terrible combination.

The Blue States are a mess.

You have to look at excess deaths mate.

Florida is open fully since March. Surely, there is 5 or 6 months there of data to look at in comparison to other states that kept their restrictions going and maybe even Floridas deaths in 2019 back to 2015 for the same period.

Surely you’d agree that would give us a good idea with regards to the deadliness of the aul Delta variant.

If you have the numbers - I’m genuinely interested to see them.


You have an unhealthy obsession with the US, maybe get a job it would take your mind off it.

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Thay seems to prove a lot, but I think it has to be looked at in terms of prior years deaths per million.

If we were to take maybe a 5 year sample, we’d have a better idea.

It’s really quite simple. A few months ago you were trumpeting Florida’s supposed success.

Now Covid hospitalisations there are a third above the previous peak.

Any normal person would just admit they got it all wrong.

But not the amoebas of the Death Sentence cult.

Only one of us has an unhealthy obsession, and it sure ain’t me.

Previous peak…I think the calendar year when Covid wasnt around vs 2020 is a far better analysis.

You can take even the 5 months from March to August 18th this year in florida - in terms of hospitilisations and deaths.

They’re the only two factors to realistically consider I think.

There’s no doubt Covid took a hell of a toll on Americans, the Covid deaths in 2020 line up fairly well with excess deaths. But it’s hardly a surprise given that 42% of Americans are clinically obese, up from 30% in 2000. 50% of the children who have been hospitalized with Covid are clinically obese, children ffs. It’s an absolute disgrace the unhealthy state people are in and the unhealthy state they foist onto their children.


There is no doubt about that re deaths in April 2020 particularly.

But there hasnt been the same number of deaths since then thankfully. Another thing to note is at the time here - upto 20% of the total deaths to date in Ireland were supposed Covid deaths rather than even tested.

Was it the same in the US?

A healthy diet in the US is more expensive than an unhealthy one.

The free market “works” again.

But that isn’t the issue with Covid. It’s buck passing nonsense.

The issue is barbaric governance by right-wing nutcases who should be in prison.

Are you happy with a two tiered society based off an experimental medical procedure (that is only authorized via an emergency situation, EUA) that may need a bi-annual top-up, mate?

Genuine question.

If you’re asking am I happy that vaccines will be required to go to pubs and restaurants and to travel on aeroplanes etc., absolutely, yes I am.

I wholeheartedly approve of discriminatory measures against those who decide they want to perpetuate a pandemic.

Are you happy that Ron DeSantis has ordered to withdraw funding, including salaries of teachers, from school districts who vote to implement mask mandates?

Now that’s proper two tier society stuff. That’s stuff the Taliban would be proud of.

No offence, but I think you need to have a think about that. In my view, you’re just as irrational there as the right wingers that you claim to hate so much.

“Perpetuate a pandemic”

Your beloved vaccines don’t claim to prevent transmission or provide immunity mate.

The county I live in and the neighboring county adjusted their Covid death numbers down 22% recently as they found that Covid wasn’t really a significant factor in those deaths.

The current Covid death rate in the US is close to 1k a day, so it’s still a leading cause of death. Heart disease is 2,100 a day and cancer 1,600 a day. It’s still a very serious disease for the elderly and people with comorbidities, and the troubling thing is they may not be out of the woods by being vaccinated. Everyone who was vaccinated 8 months ago is now being advised to get a booster shot, which suggests vaccine immunity only lasts 6-8 months.

There is a very recent study that suggests antibodies produced by the vaccines help the Delta variant infect rather than hinder it. In other words they are very good against the original Wuhan virus but questionable against the Delta. The potential ramifications of that are truly worrying if we start horsing more of the existing vaccines into people. What is really needed is a second generation vaccine for the vulnerable that targets the Delta spike protein.


I’ve been thinking about it for months. And it’s the only rational response. Anti-vaxxers threaten society’s ability to function at a basic level.

Vaccines prevent the bulk of disease and death and they significantly inhibit transmission.

Without them we would be proper fucked.

Get vaccinated.

Nonsense, you can eat very healthy on a moderate budget. First step is staying away from junk food.

That is a big worry but somehow its not discussed publically at all.

Especially for young people who arent at any risk really from the virus in the first place.

Then you’ve people saying teenagers can’t wait to get the jabs.

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The vaccines arent around long enough mate. It would be ideal if that was true. The fact is though no one knows.

Are the mRNA pharma manufacturers completely in the clear if this goes wrong down the line?

The answer is yes.