NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Right-wing nut jobs have politicised the issue of science and turned it into a one way culture war.

And that means you.

Any person who is not an amoeba can see that the carry on of Trump, Abbott, De Santis and other Republican cunts is worthy of prison.

But not you, the “Democrat” who has spent his life shilling for Republicans on the INTERNET.

Right-wing nut jobs, right-wing nut jobs, right-wing nut jobs, always, always, always the problem. With EVERYTHING.

And that will be drilled home relentlessly as long as I post here.

Because it’s the truth, and you know it full well.

Early for a meltdown on a Thursday morning.


So no worries about the left wing nut jobs in Independent Sage who want to use the pandemic as an avenue to usher in “Soviet Style Communism”.

There should be a Godwin’s Law equivalent for posts like this.

What’s frightening is that you and others here genuinely believe this rot.

Near the end of the meeting a Zero Covid activist Steve Ballard said that work on health and safety needed to be “combined with transforming the nature of work.

He said: “The rich have always said you have got to work to make us rich. That’s got to stop. Otherwise we are all going to fry. Got to change the agenda pretty damn quick.”

At a previous meeting he suggested that the Soviet Union style of Communism needed to be brought into Britain.

Responding to his comments, Ms Edwards said: “I agree with Steve there. Capitalism makes its own.

That’s as bad as I’ve seen

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A classic conspiracy theory style post there.

No link, and you take the least thing as conclusive evidence of a fantastical grand conspiracy.

There’s no difference at all between the likes of you and Gemtrails. You believe the same things and “argue” in the same manner.

And nothing will persuade you that you don’t have access to some higher hidden truth that nobody else can see.

There’s no grand conspiracy. The Stalinists like Susan Michie are happy to have their talking shops but the sensible world largely ignores them.

You are not part of the sensible world.

Susan Michie is an expert in her field and has more rounded intelligence in one of her nail clippings than you have in your entirety.

You are an expert in trawling right wing conspiracy Twitter for nonsense that affirms your far right conspiracist confirmation bias.

You’d do well to listen to her.

Maybe next year on the auld revolution comrade!

In reality it’s right wing nut jobs like you who have been supporting and participating in revolutions. Absolutely disastrous ones.

The rejection of expertise in favour of a far right politicised blizzard of disinformation and propaganda that left unchecked is destined to lead to the end of any hope of improving our world, the end of free societies and mass death is very much a revolution.

And a revolution that should be fought bitterly at every turn, everywhere.

I would caveat this by saying Denmark runs a parallel system of mass testing to keep society functioning so is not exclusively relying on vaccination, it runs a two pronged approach.

We need that second prong for this winter but we clearly aren’t going to have it.

21 cases in New Zealand now


Kiwi hospitals can’t even handle Irish summer levels of Covid after mass vaccinations apparently

Hopefully we can go back to the good old days when it was just flu causing the hospitals to be jammed and thousands of deaths.


New Zealand needed to wait until they had hundreds of cases before locking down.

Same as you should never treat cancer until it spreads.

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This has been dealt with previously. Vaccines don’t tend to have effects years later, they have effects pretty soon or not at all, there is absolutely no reason to believe they will have effects years later. Basically you’re talking through your hole.

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Have we ever had an MRNA mass vaccination before? Maybe it’s different.


We could not possibly know but a few lads on the internet are making conclusive, definitive statements telling us they are fine

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