NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I would imagine any sensible person would regard someone who says we couldn’t know the answer to something they couldn’t know the answer to as the rational and pragmatic person whereas the lads going around making definitive and conclusive statements about something they could not possibly know the answer on are the crazy people.

Then again it looks like the loonies have taken over the asylum.



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I think our resident nutjob is trying to misrepresent others again.

I suppose decades of unemployment and an inability to contribute anything positive to society will do that to you.

Due to your significant intellectual superiority, he has now resorted to posting pictures of someone he shares a lot in common with. He has lost the plot.

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Shouting right wing at your laptop screen and posting pictures of Gemma are not very intelligent ways of making a point. They are signs that you’ve lost it.


Big meltdown incoming from Fluvio and his GNC buddy.

Afraid not, I think it’s time to ignore you.

That would be great. Please do.

Gladly and would accept a courteus gesture from yourself to reciprocate.

Nasty comment, you know well how he’s spent recent years, I’d argue that he’s contributed something positive.


He who lives by the sword…

Ranting about Trump, Putin and right wing? Abusing posters about their spouse having cancer? Doxxing posters on here online?

Which part of that is positive? Nasty individual who should be accountable for his nastiness.

I’ve known people who have cared for ill relatives when working jobs and rearing families. Maybe some people use it as a crutch?

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Poor Fluvio hasn’t been able my return to the forum at all, bless him.

Just as well he never has to leave his room and be confronted with anything in real life.

Two wrongs don’t make a right, the poster in question has been called out for any nasty comments he’s made as well.
It was nasty

What was nasty about it?

Fluvio isn’t up to this, the poor cratur.

His unravelling has been fascinating to watch.

As usual Tracksuit comes on and has a few nasty digs that he can’t stand behind and toddles off.

You seem very upset.