NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

They could then classify him as a Covid death.


The liberals wouldn’t know if they were coming or going- unarmed black man shot dead in the street by cops but he completely had it coming

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He should have been wearing a mask so his race shouldn’t have been an issue so he essentially chose to be black/shot

TFK’s Republican cheerleader gets it wrong yet again.

its going from bad to worse for the Zero covid headbangers

Just the 915 cases in Australia today, I thought they were doing a good job? :rofl:



RTE news : New Zealand extends Covid-19 lockdown

Its out of control

This is great

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Let’s be clear - this does not spell the end for beachside coffees.

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Are Australia at war with covid? Like their war with Emus in the 1930s?

What’s the story there with vaccinated v unvaccinated deaths?

They are only at around 50% full vaccination


It seems more and more obvious that distributing a vaccine like this during pandemic/endemic is fraught with problems.
I’d get out of there ASAP. Swim if you have to

A few people mentioned Sweden recently and so I had a look at the European league table for deaths. They’re doing ok but European standards but extremely badly by Scandinavian standards.

I’ve done a few ocean swims, but nothing beyond 2km. I’ll stick to spectating unless the mid-life crisis gets me in a few years.

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