NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

If it didn’t get you the first time…

I’m a spring chicken in TFK years.

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I’m a spring chicken also, in the Internet at least

The other Scandinavian countries shut their borders early which is the only way to keep the Covid out. It’s simples really. What’s interesting about Sweden is they let it rip apparently and are doing better than most of Europe.

Newquay may have to be nuked.

Right lads I’m not a genius but I’ve gotten the vaccine and there for I’ve a less chance of dying from Covid, can everyone in the south states of America and Australia just get the vaccine? And we’ll be done with it like?

They can’t hear you

no one cares about cases on the mainland, they are getting on with life and living with covid, its not like craggy Island where lads are sitting in the pub and stopping in the street to discuss case numbers everyday (wearing face nappies at the same time)


But as said on earlier treads they fucked up with the nursing homes and admitted that, unlike us.

Israel’s Covid-19 vaccine boosters show signs of taming Delta (via @IrishTimes)

The rate of disease spread among vaccinated people aged 60 and over – known as the reproduction rate – began falling steadily around August 13th and has dipped below 1, indicating that each infected person is transmitting the virus to fewer than one other person. A reproduction rate of less than 1 means an outbreak is subsiding.

Scientists said booster shots are having an impact on infections, but other factors are likely contributing to the decline as well.

“The numbers are still very high but what has changed is that the very high increase in the rate of infections and severe cases has diminished, as has the pace at which the pandemic is spreading,” said Eran Segal, data scientist at the Weizmann Institute of Science and an adviser to the government

“This is likely due to the third booster shots, an uptake in people taking the first dose and the high number of people infected per week, possibly up to 100,000, who now have natural immunity,” Segal said

That’s all great but there is a moral duty on rich countries that poorer countries have the vaccine rolled out to them and boosters are helping to prevent that, at least as long as pesky patent protection is preventing a massive worldwide boost in production, and nobody can convince me this isn’t happening.

For rich countries to be hogging the global supply for boosters is morally indefensible.

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Uh oh, as predicted, Aussie States who have largely avoided Covid want to roll back on the plan to reopen Australia.

Similar discussions in NZ, though they haven’t been brave enough to even attribute any % yet.


“zero covid” they said :sweat_smile:

Boris has also long been a fan of this approach.

no “woman of the year” award this year for Jacinta Aherne

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210 cases now, it is spreading like wildfire

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It’s always the foreigners

Trouble for them there now. It seems hard to control after 50 daily cases, Victoria are struggling to as well and have a lockdown nearly as hard as NZs.

Fucking mentalists.