NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

England is cowped. Ireland not far behind.

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Zero Covid: An utter failure

Enjoy Lockdown mate


Killing People: A resounding success :laughing:


Would the spiders bother you much over there in Australia?

Very little would bother me, truth be told. I’m like yourself - just take everything in stride.

That’s good because you’re going to be spending the next two years hiding under the bed


Bro, you didn’t get the memo? We’re ahead of schedule with the vaccine and already relaxing lockdown rules!

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Disappointing to see the pleasure some lads are taking in the suffering of other countries . Lads need to find their inner zen.

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Nothing a few beachside coffees won’t fix. Leave it with me, I have the cleaner coming in the morning, good excuse to get out.

Melbourne has given up, the two biggest States have now admitted that ZC is no more


Dimmy has had a long held wish that Covid should spread as widely as possible in Australia.

Satire isn’t the only thing he wishes dead.

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enjoy sitting on a rock on your own drinking takeaway coffee, only another 2 years to go :sweat_smile:

meanwhile on the mainland

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They are saving lives :sweat_smile:

Jesus thats fucking barbaric.

I’m not sure what that is, but I want no part of it :eek:

Shameful & bizarre behaviour

Imagine thinking being locked down by your government for 2 years is a sign of a successful country :grinning:

Just another few months now of beachside coffees and masks

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2 years? We’re at 2 months bro, after an incredible 18 months of freedom watching poor Paddy locked up in the rain. :sob: