NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

A success in any man’s language. Significantly less deaths, hospitalisations, case numbers and time spent under COVID restrictions. Oh, and did I mention the coffees by the beach? :wink:

October 18th identified as Sydney’s freedom day.

Rest assured guys, this will not be the end of the beachside coffees. (CC @Enrique )


Stay safe.

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Says the worthlessness of white people that a year plus later they still can’t wear their masks properly.

You’re a very racist man.

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What part of your anatomy is your mask currently hanging off mate.

Very concerning post from him.

What’s the matter with you?


A strange turn, even for TFK. The admins need to step in and sort this out before it goes viral.

Go Florida. The sweet smell of success. And death, lots of it.

Sweden bans travelers from Israel, the most vaccinated country on the planet.
Stay safe.


Oh Boris we do, oh Boris we do, oh Boris we love you.

We’re sending them 6 crates of VB.

I’ll have Freedom Day before @Enrique at this rate :smiley:

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As of September 2nd, 2021, Israel has 66.3% of its population with at least one dose and 60.8% with at least two doses.

Compare that to Ireland, who as of September 1st, 2021, had 75.3% of it population with at least one dose and 69.2% with two doses.

Israel’s experience shows that all ages vaccination and vaccine passports will be required. This is a collective problem and there is no room for freeloaders.

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Some fucking bluffer.

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Jesus tap dancing christ. Is Oz going to be the new season of black mirror?

Surely that is a breach of any sort of privacy laws and personal freedoms.

The tweet is failing to provide some important context. It’s a trial for a system to replace mandatory hotel quarantine.